Vainamoinen: The only thing I'm reading in here is that apparently you seem to think that nazism endorsed free thought and welcomed the social sciences, and apparently I'm making a capital mistake, bordering on mind control, in embracing free thought as well as the social sciences.
HINT: You've been thoroughly misinformed. Maybe have a look at the authors the books of whom the nazis burnt and what those authors stood for before embarassing yourself with such comparisons? Start out with Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Erich Maria Remarque and Kurt Tucholsky. Oh, oh, no wait, start with Berthold Brecht, read the
Caucasian Chalk Circle!! Doesn't take long. Man, the nazis really hated those people. And damn do I know why.
HINT2: Sorry but you're coming across a bit racist. Just sayin'.
First of all please don't put a new response into an old post since the person you are responding to won't get notified about your reply.
Secondly keep in mind that the word "vigilant" means to keep an eye out for or be watchful of - it's not inherently bad or negative word.
Thirdly there is a good reason why SJWs or radical feminism is often referred to as feminazis and that is because they use the same kind of censorship and silencing of opposing views that the nazis did in the sense of trying to scare the opponent.. Just like the nazis had big book burnings so to do the SJWs want to ban or burn the types of media they don't like such as video games like Hatred, DOA Extreme, GTA etc. That is why people speak out against the feminazis BECAUSE they censor stuff and try to bully all that disagree with them by calling people racist, misogynist and so on when you try to engage them in civil debate. As for the authors you name I have read them all except one and loved most of their work. As for you calling me a racist you are gonna have to explain that better since there was nothing about race in my post (Germans are not a race but a people).
Like I said in my first post then I am against bullying in ANY form. I have nothing against people that have a different point of view than me and I even welcome it but I will never accept bullying or harassment of people and will speak out against anyone who try to do that. So don't go around and accuse people of racism and don't deliberately misread what someone is saying. If you have a position to argue then do that but keep the debate fair and balanced. If you don't then there is no point in a debate.