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Djaron: ...
as i said, i think the best possible thing would be normalized anonymous/hiddenuser web api for any/every major digital game distribution platform (steam, gog, desura, gamergate, amazon ?, xbla, psn) but it would imply "cooperation" among every actor in the market, unless the whole initiative comes from an independant third party and then each platform would be responsible for designing a plugin/bridge for that normalized system
but, hell, yes, it would be fantastic to see something next to user review like:
User sumthing (don't own this game / played this game 0 hour): this game suxk blah blah blah ranting bs completely gameplay irrelevant...
User Another (own this game on plateformA/platformB, played this game total xxx hours)
oh yeah this way, i could really TRUST reviews. Of course as itself it is yet not enough cause out of context. I mean, i'm not much the puzzle/point and click game myself, for exemple (aside from FEW exception), so no matter i play a given point n click 5 or 50 hours, i would not like it. Though, with some sort of globalized aggregated "Gamer ID Card", if you see i don't own many Pnclick games, and if you see me giving a good review of one, that will tell something: 1) it may be too easy for seasonned PnC lovers (but not necesseraly) and 2) it can appeal people not really in mood for such genre
knowing the reviewer and its taste matters at least as much as the review's content
shamefully, i'm completely NO web developper or web designer, and have no connection required in the market to bring such idea outside of cloudy dream. but still... would be great
It would take a massive amount of effort and co-ordination on the part of all the different parties involved. Maybe they could get some help from NSA X-D Actually I've always thought that might be kind of useful. You know, contact your local gov't spooks "Ah, hello is that the secret service? Yeah I made a post on 15th Dec on and I wanna check what I said could you find it for me?" Of course being the gov't there would be an extortionate surcharge!