ryannaughton1138: XYCat
At least in this thread it's still thing. The good news is that it is slowly dying out. The twitter hashtag isn't a big trender anymore, Zoe Quinn managed to get a memoir and a movie deal do to her experiences, but some people just can't let it go.
I am very familiar with Gamergates standard and principles given what they did to Game Diviner.
This might sound crazy to you, but I am very glad that horrible movie is being made. For two reasons, first, free speech, even the most horrible shit has the right to exist in fiction. Second, the movie will serve to increase the attention to the situation and those tired of PC culture will dig deeper and find out what is actually going on, the film will be so scandalous, so stupid, so horrible, will be like a theatrical version of "Intimidation Game" and that will serve as fuel to the cause. GG will never die and that film will make it even stronger.
XYCat: lol this gamergate crap is still a thing? I thought the whole thing must have moved back to making fun of some fat kid again or something like that by now.
The ride never ends Cromosomically Male Feline (If you did not get the pun or took it as offense I am not sorry).