catpower1980: In France, "Arrêts sur image" (an independant media about medias) has just released a show about Gamergate with local folks such as mar_lard, the French Anita Sarkeesian. First part is online, you have to pay for the rest BTW, I got temp banned again on a forum for saying about the guy on her left: "In prison, he's the kind of guy who does the coffee and the blowjobs" :)
EDIT: I've watche the entire vid, so some quotes from the French AS :
- about "notyourshield": "just like racists when they say : I'm not racist, I've black friends"
- about women doing videos defending GG : "the useful idiots" (with references to "women against feminism")
- citing the bomb threat against the speech of AS and associating every GG'ers with it even when the others around the table try to reason her.
- The invited GG'er says that everyone can claim himself from the GG as they use hashtag (due to how twitter works) and she replies : "so I can say you sleep with the neonazis"
-"There is no anti-GG movement, there is only the GG and the rest of the world" (said on vehement tone...)
- Nearly breaking some nerves and crying when defending Ian Miles Cheong (I laughed at this moment)
- Near the end, when talking to the GG'er : "inviting you on this set is like inviting a neo-nazi"
Overall, she really appeared as a depressed and hysteric poor woman who interrupts other people a lot when they're speaking. Normally, she will write something about the vid soon....
Huh, just like in the United States then. That's the exact sort of thing I noticed from GG's detractors as well
What a curious phenomenon.
This is the sort of stuff that's going to find it's way into text books on sociology.
Ironically, for someone who hates neo-nazis she had no problem defending an actual neo-nazi.