Klumpen0815: I suggest using this thread instead if the urge to bash some people with other life-styles and moral values in this regard arises again:
http://www.gog.com/forum/general_archive/being_vegetarian Ignored, as always.
TARFU: Guinness changes 256 year-old recipe to appease vegans:
Gnostic: The link does not works.
But if true why the vegans does not drink other type of drinks? Or appeal to have a vegan version of the drink instead of stopping the production of non vegan drinks entirely?
But some
google show it is just some filter process they are changing, not the ingredients in the recipe for the drink, so not sure if it would change the taste of the drink.
I'm pretty sure that Guiness has the opinion, that it is not financially feasible to make an alternative version but didn't want to pass out on a vegetarian and vegan customer base either. Maybe the new method is more cost effective anyway and just needed some pre-financing they didn't want to do, who knows? Having a scapegoat for changing some kind of tradition is always nice though, isn't it?
256 years are nothing compared to the age of the German
Reinheitsgebot which is vegan since 1516 (since 1487 on a local basis) and one could say, that Germany knows a bit about how to make proper beer.
Our big local juice producers changed their method of clearing orange, mango and cherry juice after people got to know, that it's not even vegetarian. If you want to blame someone, the evil vegans are not enough, you'll have to include all the vegetarians too.
Blaming logical business decisions on "ye religious zealots" is typical and sad.
The animal cruelty is an entirely different matter and can be judged better after seeing some real facilities or the documentary "Earthlings". My family had a small self-providing farm long ago and what happened there was too much for some of us, but nothing compared to what is happening large-scale.
This whole topic is different here in Europe.
Unlike in America, space around here is extremely expensive, that's why meat, milk and egg "producers" are only surviving with subsidies from the states and still cram the animals up in very little space while feeding them with penicillin as part of their regular food which in turn is creating penicillin resistant germs at an accelerated rate which is solved by (who would have though) a higher dosis in the next "meal". They would have been closed down in a truly free market long ago and without soy fields as the primary protein source for the animals it wouldn't even be possible with all this money from the state and the reduced VAT that comes on top of it, since most people here are not willing to pay a realistic amount of money for this stuff.
Cows milk, meat, cheese, butter and eggs have 7% VAT while juice, soy/rice/oat-milk have 19%, even water bottles have 19% VAT.
It's all sponsored because not cost efficient at all, even with bad animal treatment and I have to pay for this too.
I have no idea if the "producers" of animal products get all those privileges in the American market.
That's one of the many reasons, why a transition away from such products is happening in Europe but I guess people here feel better by just spreading misinformed hatred and feeling better about themselves just like your sjw enemies do.