Posted November 03, 2015
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WBGhiro Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Truckin' Along
StationaryNomad Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted November 03, 2015
toxicTom: Um... Shiva is male. There is Ardhanarishvara who is androgynous and the "unity" of Shiva and his consort Parvati.
Emob78: You're wrong. The real Shiva is Gozer the traveler, and Gozer comes in whatever form we think of... so empty your heads. Don't think of anything. Shadowstalker16
Jaded optimist
Shadowstalker16 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted November 03, 2015
Wow :
Magic researcher
LeonardoCornejo Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jan 2013
From Mexico
Posted November 03, 2015
Hey, calm down, I see too much infighting and not of the civil type. Let's not act with violence and insults, it does not help us at all. I do not agree with vegans either, and I have experienced intolerance from the vast majority of them with one or two exceptions, but that does not mean I will be rude to the few who are respectful. Also, in my experience, most people with a dietary choice different from the standard will tell you about it, be it vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, paleo, or whatever. There is something in that people that makes them eager to tell everyone, and it is annoying, that is why they get often rejected, because they constantly talk about it, try to push it into others, and frown those who don't follow. Not all of them are like that, but in my experience and the experience of many the vast majority do.
I noticed your user information says you are from india. Is it true that a large amount of the population is vegetarian or semi vegetarian for cultural reasons? If that is the case. Do you think it could be the cultural origin in stead of moral one which makes such kind of vegetarians less prone to give it much relevance as a group?
I noticed your user information says you are from india. Is it true that a large amount of the population is vegetarian or semi vegetarian for cultural reasons? If that is the case. Do you think it could be the cultural origin in stead of moral one which makes such kind of vegetarians less prone to give it much relevance as a group?
Post edited November 03, 2015 by LeonardoCornejo
Klumpen0815 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted November 03, 2015
LeonardoCornejo: Hey, calm down, I see too much infighting and not of the civil type. Let's not act with violence and insults, it does not help us at all.
I wouldn't call it infighting, since I'm not part of either camp as should be pretty clear although both sides automatically tend to put me into the "enemy" drawer. I always was and will be the man in the middle at most topics and someday people will realize that such people are needed, although are usually only used as a common enemy of otherwise opposing camps... LeonardoCornejo: Also, in my experience, most people with a dietary choice different from the standard will tell you about it
Which has simply practical reasons. Would you want to say "no" to the same things offered to you over and over again and then get pressured to explain in detail why not? The effect that people get offended by this information is an entirely different matter (about which I've already written something). It's actually quite ironic that in all the places right here are people offended by trigger words who have deliberately spoken out against people who are offended by other triggers.
It just shows, that when it comes to the core, there really isn't much difference between either camps. You'll find just as many wackos, aggressive trolls and indoctrinated as well as intolerant people anywhere but also a few rational and polite ones, only the details are different.
I suggest using this thread instead if the urge to bash some people with other life-styles and moral values in this regard arises again:
Post edited November 03, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Magic researcher
LeonardoCornejo Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jan 2013
From Mexico
Posted November 03, 2015
LeonardoCornejo: Hey, calm down, I see too much infighting and not of the civil type. Let's not act with violence and insults, it does not help us at all.
Klumpen0815: I wouldn't call it infighting, since I'm not part of either camp as should be pretty clear although both sides automatically tend to put me into the "enemy" drawer. I always was and will be the man in the middle at most topics and someday people will realize that such people are needed, although are usually only used as a common enemy of otherwise opposing camps... LeonardoCornejo: Also, in my experience, most people with a dietary choice different from the standard will tell you about it
Klumpen0815: Which has simply practical reasons. Would you want to say "no" to the same things offered to you over and over again and then get pressured to explain in detail why not? The effect that people get offended by this information is an entirely different matter (about which I've already written something). It's actually quite ironic that in all the places right here are people offended by trigger words who have deliberately spoken out against people who are offended by other triggers.
It just shows, that when it comes to the core, there really isn't much difference between either camps. You'll find just as many wackos, aggressive trolls and indoctrinated as well as intolerant people anywhere but also a few rational and polite ones, only the details are different.
I suggest using this thread instead if the urge to bash some people with other life-styles and moral values in this regard arises again:
Zero_Yielding Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
buy Evil Genius
hedwards Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
vulchor Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted November 04, 2015
Klumpen0815: You'd be surprised how many pescetarians, vegetarians, vegans and whatevers don't talk about this at all because of intolerant and often hateful reactions.
It's a bit like being gay some time ago in this regard.
Not in my personal experience. It's very socially acceptable to be vegan around here, in some cases more so than eating red meat. I've nothing wrong with people's dietary choices, I have vegetarian friends, etc, however this was a really funny joke that I had to pass along, because I'm sure many here can relate. It's a bit like being gay some time ago in this regard.
I'm sorry that you have witnessed or experienced hateful reactions over something so trivial as a personal dietary choice. I have never witnessed anything like it, nor was I aware than anyone would hate another because of it, with the exception of eating beef in India, I hear their sensitive about cows there.
vulchor Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted November 04, 2015
This is getting really offtopic and i'm not helping.
This was excellent! Never heard of that show before, but that clip was hilarious.This is getting really offtopic and i'm not helping.
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Gnostic Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted November 04, 2015
Klumpen0815: Actually, a biologically deciding factor for bi- or homosexuality has never been proven. Although it really has been searched a lot to prove a point, only aspects making you tend somewhere a bit more have been found and this is the case in practically everything.
Both things are results of a very complex social development and therefore can be compared indeed although I did only compare the reactions to an "outing" and sadly you completely deflected this point with a nice "fuck you".
Besides that it's not always a voluntary choice at all, if you consider lactose intolerance, people with a heart condition, etc... or if you simply cannot eat something out of disgust in order not having to vomit from it, like raw mushrooms, raw meat, whatever.
hedwards: When people get lynched for being vegan, excluded from employment and kicked out of society, I will accept the comparison. Not only isn't that common in any part of the world I know of, I'm not sure I've ever heard of it happening anywhere. Both things are results of a very complex social development and therefore can be compared indeed although I did only compare the reactions to an "outing" and sadly you completely deflected this point with a nice "fuck you".
Besides that it's not always a voluntary choice at all, if you consider lactose intolerance, people with a heart condition, etc... or if you simply cannot eat something out of disgust in order not having to vomit from it, like raw mushrooms, raw meat, whatever.
Klumpen0815: That's just like... your opinion, man.
If you "gamergaters" want to prove, that you are not as narrow minded as "your average sjw", you'll have to do better. Be a shining example!
hedwards: We've been through this before and no, veganism is not healthy unless you go to a ridiculous amount of work to supplement the crap out of the nutrients that the body is missing out on. Some of those deficiencies won't show up for quite a while. -------------------------------------------------
If you "gamergaters" want to prove, that you are not as narrow minded as "your average sjw", you'll have to do better. Be a shining example!
As I stated, the crap that vegans eat isn't generally considered to be healthy. You've got tons of grains, soy and all manner of non-food being consumed in lieu of nice healthy meats and animal products. Vegetarianism isn't as bad because the animal products help make up for the deficit, but veganism is most certainly not healthy as generally practiced around here.
Klumpen0815: I wouldn't call it infighting, since I'm not part of either camp as should be pretty clear although both sides automatically tend to put me into the "enemy" drawer. I always was and will be the man in the middle at most topics and someday people will realize that such people are needed, although are usually only used as a common enemy of otherwise opposing camps...
hedwards: Stop posting offensive dribble and that will probably stop. It's pretty fucked up that you were even drawing some of those comparisons. It's fine not liking vegetarian and have a personal taste in food you enjoy, but to claim that vegetarian is not healthy, you require proof as not to fall in the category of certain group.
I can accept a group of vegetarian who use vegetarian process food as their main diet, or unbalance diet of vegetables is unhealthy. But I have to see proof that vegetarian as a whole is unhealthy or the doctor will not tell high blood patient to cut down meat consumption.
Zero_Yielding Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
Posted November 04, 2015
Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted November 04, 2015
Klumpen0815: You'd be surprised how many pescetarians, vegetarians, vegans and whatevers don't talk about this at all because of intolerant and often hateful reactions.
It's a bit like being gay some time ago in this regard.
vulchor: Not in my personal experience. It's very socially acceptable to be vegan around here, in some cases more so than eating red meat. I've nothing wrong with people's dietary choices, I have vegetarian friends, etc, however this was a really funny joke that I had to pass along, because I'm sure many here can relate. It's a bit like being gay some time ago in this regard.
I'm sorry that you have witnessed or experienced hateful reactions over something so trivial as a personal dietary choice. I have never witnessed anything like it, nor was I aware than anyone would hate another because of it, with the exception of eating beef in India, I hear their sensitive about cows there.
Post edited November 04, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Jaded optimist
Shadowstalker16 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted November 04, 2015
LeonardoCornejo: I noticed your user information says you are from india. Is it true that a large amount of the population is vegetarian or semi vegetarian for cultural reasons? If that is the case. Do you think it could be the cultural origin in stead of moral one which makes such kind of vegetarians less prone to give it much relevance as a group?
Yes; many people are vegetarian / only meat they is eat fish due to religious reasons. Jains and Buddhists obviously don't eat meat. People of ''higher castes'' among Hindus (except Bengalis who somehow count fish as vegetarian) don't eat meat at all but people of ''lower castes'' do. But many people among the ''lower castes'' are also vegetarian, like I am. Most of it is religiously motivated but is still kinda rational since meat oftentimes isn't kept and maintained properly and vegetables bought off the street or in supermarkets are more likely to be safer to eat than meat is. Ofc meat served at good restaurants is safe, but meat bought in small road-side shops needn't be properly maintained.
Personally I can eat it if I want to as long as don't bring it home but never felt the need to risk eating badly kept stuff and never felt the need to spend so much and go to a good restaurant or fast food outlet to buy good stuff.
And recently, there have been some very controversial stuff regrading beef and banning beef. It is actually banned in some states and has been for quite some time. But there seemed to be a bit of a push from the government about banning it in new places, and a guy was beaten to death over eating beef by extremists (is what they would be but kinda more like a disorganized mob than an organization out to do this).
Yup, some people are quite overly sensitive about it.
Post edited November 04, 2015 by Shadowstalker16
Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted November 04, 2015
LeonardoCornejo: I noticed your user information says you are from india. Is it true that a large amount of the population is vegetarian or semi vegetarian for cultural reasons? If that is the case. Do you think it could be the cultural origin in stead of moral one which makes such kind of vegetarians less prone to give it much relevance as a group?
Shadowstalker16: Yes; many people are vegetarian / only meat they is eat fish due to religious reasons. Jains and Buddhists obviously don't eat meat. People of ''higher castes'' among Hindus (except Bengalis who somehow count fish as vegetarian) don't eat meat at all but people of ''lower castes'' do. But many people among the ''lower castes'' are also vegetarian, like I am. Most of it is religiously motivated but is still kinda rational since meat oftentimes isn't kept and maintained properly and vegetables bought off the street or in supermarkets are more likely to be safer to eat than meat is. Ofc meat served at good restaurants is safe, but meat bought in small road-side shops needn't be properly maintained.
Personally I can eat it if I want to as long as don't bring it home but never felt the need to risk eating badly kept stuff and never felt the need to spend so much and go to a good restaurant or fast food outlet to buy good stuff.
And recently, there have been some very controversial stuff regrading beef and banning beef. It is actually banned in some states and has been for quite some time. But there seemed to be a bit of a push from the government about banning it in new places, and a guy was beaten to death over eating beef by extremists (is what they would be but kinda more like a disorganized mob than an organization out to do this).
Shadowstalker16: Yup, some people are quite overly sensitive about it.