Posted September 29, 2015

She doesn't hate masculinity. She's doesn't like toxic masculinity, and you know what? Neither do I. And for the last time criticism is not a science. It is all subjective. She doesn't need to take into account the characters, and there back story, and the world because (and this is very important) they are not real. They don't exist in the real world.
To me, you're purposedly watering down her sexist and discriminatory claims on twitter to make them more acceptable, for whatever reason.
Essentialising mass murders and shootings with everyday men and boys and implying that, for each of them, their own masculinity will transform them into bloodthirsty terrorists if "toxic" (concept so vague I personally can't seriously consider it)... that's just undefensible.
Generalizing the case of a psychopathic and murderous man to all men and labelling them all as potential terrorists. Please.
I still don't understand how you could give credit to such reasoning.
On criticism and opinion, I don't understand your approach either. Are you trying to exempt Sarkeesian videos from criticism and defending lies and catastrophists interpretations based on nothing but ideology? She certainly has the right to express her opinions, like everyone else, but don't expect people to not react against her mediocre assesments.
Criticism is not a science, but for someone who values exactitude and really wants to understand a phenomenon, critics based on facts, honesty, knowledge of the subject matter and ideological neutrality are far better than others based on nothing.
That's what differencies a just analyst from a snakeoil salesman or a fanatised predicator.
And concerning your conclusion... Frankly, and with all due respect, I find it ridiculous.
Earlier you depicted Sarkeesian as an art critic and a videogame critic (a point I disagree with), and now you're saying that the characters, the backstory , the background, the game mechanics etc. of the very videogames she's supposedly analyzing are worthless for that said analysis.... because they don't exist in real life ?
Really ?
I expect from any analyst or critic a basic knowledge of the material they're analyzing and criticizing, be it real or fictional. Sarkesian, not only fails at that, but also always tries do demonize anything she could relate to "patriarchy". Even if it means outright lying and labelling everything as sexist in the process.
Just looking at her Hitman analysis.
Anyone who actually played one of the game of the franchise knows that stealth is valued over brutality and blind murder. Not surprising, coming from a stealth game involving an assassin main protagonist.
Without any basic knowledge of the subject and with a huge pinch of integrism, these games became some sort of horrid playground rewarding the player for murdering women (which is false) and satisfying the necrophiliac pulsions of the average male gamer (which is utterly stupid and absurd).
Jack Thompson was a small player compared to her, and I don't even exagerate.
Opinions and critics are a two way street. And criticizing or mocking Sarkeesian's dubious critics aren't a bad thing in my book.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by Tza