ryannaughton1138: All right. Here is my response to your responses.
Gamergate is a text book conspiracy theory. Anita, and people like her are demonized to the point where instead resembling human beings, they resemble grotesque monsters that are incredibly unrealistically powerful.
No dice one your comment regarding the comic either. The point still stands. There is good reason why the mainstream media treat Gamergate with the contempt they. That tends to happen when innocent people are harassed.
To each their own, I guess.
I personnally can't take people like Sarkeesian seriously for numerous reasons :
- her ridiculous hatred for masculinity and men. Associating mass murders and shootings with everyday's man or boy and masculinity ? Well, she did it.
- her habit of considering her opinions and personal feelings as scientifically proven facts.
- her habit of taking things out of their context to fallaciously categorize them as "misogynist", "sexist" or worse...
She gleefuly described Hitman Absolution like some sort of disgusting game made for misogynist necrophiliac males. That's sufficient for me to see her like a delusional ideologue.
- her "critics" concerning videogames heroines in general. Too suggestive for her taste ? Oh, she'll be "objectified", then. Too badass for her taste ? Damn, she's just a man in disguise ! She's got a secondary role ? Let's say that she's used like a decorative object.
- her habit of considering critics of her videos like harassment, regardless of their content.
- her total ignorance of games she's "analyzing". Screw their background, their backstory, their story, their characters, their plot. Everything is certainly simpler with a pre-established oppresive patriarcal narrative when she knows litteraly nothing about the game she's supposedly criticizing.
- her habit of using other people's youtube gaming footages for her videos, without asking or crediting their owner.
To me, she's the epitome of the radicalized authoritarian feminist without any integrity, intellectual honesty or basic academic rigour.