Piranjade: Seeing that a woman could have been replaced by a dog shows that in such games she doesn't really have a value of her own. And if this whole discussion made you think about that, I think it's a nice step forward.
Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious. That's a big strawman right there. I used dog as an example. It could be anything else. How many games give players the task of saving a man? Is anyone complaining that you have to rescue Mario in Luigi's Mansion? Is anyone saying that it "objectifies" men? Oh please.
In almost every game you have to "save" something or someone, even a whole race (like saving humanity). Saving women is just ONE of the plot devices. Why is rescuing other men fine, but women isn't? That's just some double standards right there.
Piranjade: Even if it apparently makes you angry.
The discussion doesn't make me angry. What makes me angry is the amount of BS journalists come up with to push this agenda.
Piranjade: That doesn't mean that these plot-devices will disappear (and nobody has even asked for that) but they are used with the knowledge in mind of what they are.
But they are NOT what Anita claims they are. That's the point. Games often try to make player emotionally attached to the objective by making you fight for something you care about. It could be saving humanity, saving your dog, your father, your brother, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, it doesn't matter. When you have to rescue male characters, it's fine, when you have to rescue female characters it's misogyny.
Piranjade: Players wanting additional features, be it characters, modes etc. is not so rare. And devs like to please the players so that more will buy their games.
Read my post. I'm not saying players can't complain about it. What i complained about was how much
the gaming press (NOT players) turned a frivolous game design decision into fucking World War 3 by pushing their political agenda even further. My point is that even a simple design decision is seen as "misogyny", which is just ridiculous.
"OHHH, how do you dare to make a game without women as playable characters? You misogynist prick".
Give me a break. Game developers and publishers are being accused of everything because of their design choices.
Piranjade: *sigh* Muslim is not a race.
It isn't, that was a poor choice of words from my part and for that i apologize. That was a mistake, english is not my first language and i couldn't find a better word when i was typing.
Still, doesn't make my point invalid.
And please, don't *sigh* me. I'm being respectful with you and i would like the same treatment. It was a mistake, it was not intentional.
Piranjade: *shrugs* And why not offer different physical attributes during character creation? Also having the option to assign a religion doesn't seem a bad thing to me (and I'm an atheist). Although I'm sure that there are already games out there that have that option that I have never heard of.
And why should developers and publishers be FORCED to have all those attributes? I'm not saying developers shouldn't make games with more choices, what i'm saying is that they shouldn't be FORCED to. Do you understand the difference now?
Piranjade: And it's the players' right to complain. People complain about features, that's completely normal. Be it the lack of an option to play the game offline, the use of save points, the strengths/weaknesses or a certain class, etc. And why shouldn't they complain?
Again, read my post. My post was never addressed at players' complaints. Players complain about a bunch of things, some of them i agree with, others i don't. What i'm critizing in my post is the gaming press and how much they turn everything into a political debate. And sometimes, they have personal reasons to do so, like that Kotaku writer who had personal relationships with Zoe Quinn.
Piranjade: No need to be afraid that somebody will take away your toys.
First, i'm treating you with respect and i expect the same treatment. I'm not treating you like a kid, so, please, stop. If you can't engage in a civilized discussion without resorting to personal attacks and being disrespectful, then please, don't.
Piranjade: Porn for example survived worse things. Because it sells.
Vote with your wallet.
Stop pulling a strawman on me. I never said anything about these kind of games not being made anymore. I'm strictly criticizing the gaming press and its attitude. I'm on a gaming forum and i have a right to criticize what i think is wrong. It's my personal opinion.
Piranjade: They can. And people react to the characters and how they are presented. Some drool, some complain, others don't care.
They can, just like i can criticize them for doing so, which is exactly what i'm doing and apparently you have a problem with it.
Piranjade: I think we can be pretty sure that Anita as well as Zoe would have preferred to not be victims. Having your personal life discussed in the internet, receiving threats of all kinds is not really fun.
Oh no, we can't be "pretty sure" of that. Anita only became famous because she kept playing the victim card so the "white knights" would come to the rescue. Her entire KS campaign was based on "how much she was being harassed by the evil gamers".
By the way, receiving threats is common when you are an "internet celebrity" that is hated by a vocal segment of the community. It has nothing to do with the fact they they are women. For example, Phil Fish has been getting harassed for a long time even before he went in Quinn's defense. Not too long ago some key (male) Treyarch developers received death threats because of a patch that nerfed one gun in the game.
Before you pull yet another strawman, let me make things clear: i'm NOT defending harassment nor sending threats to these people. What i'm saying is that receiving death threats from annonymous internet users is not uncommon and is definitely not related to the fact that they are women. It's not "misogyny" or anything. It's just some assholes being assholes on the internet as always. Nothing new there.
Piranjade: You'll always find a bigger problem in the world or somebody who's worse of. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be allowed to complain about minor things (had a bad day once?).
The thing is, it's not even a "minor problem". It's a problem that simply doesn't exist. Games are entertainment, sane individuals know the difference between a game and real life. Saying that games make gamers misogynists is like saying that violent games make people violent. It's ignorance at its best.
Thinking about it, i think Jack Thopmson is actually not that bad. At least Thompson never had support from the gaming press, but Anita and Zoe do.
Piranjade: But games do objectify women. Not always, but in some instances they do.
The question is what we do about it. And not doing anything about it can also be a viable option. Like I said before, vote with your wallet.
HiPhish already answred that better than me.
Piranjade: If you think that in a certain game women are portrayed or treated in a way that is completely not acceptable for you, don't buy the game.
And if a game appeals to you, buy it.
It's as simple as that.
Great, now please tell that to the gaming press so we can finally talk about games again and not about that BS.
Piranjade: There is no need for all this screaming around "They want to censor devs, they want to take our toys away, they are all meanies pretending to be victims. WAAAH!"
First, i'm not "screaming", i'm posting my opinion on a gaming forum just like you are doing. Second, i will ask again politely to be treated with respect. You keep coming up with personal attacks while i'm treating you with respect. If you can't have a civil discussion in a forum, then please, don't.
Piranjade: And there is certainly no need for all these threats against people going around.
Ok, now, could you please point out where i said that it was ok send death threats around?