Posted August 31, 2015

And then inexplicably you get insanely mad at people who dare to speak out about actual issues and conflate them with the teenagers because your grasps on reality are as tenouos as your relationships with real women.
Because that's the root of it all, massive insecurity.
If you really cared so much about all of this you'd probably be able to supply arguments for why your life has so terribly been destroyed by these people but since I can obviously point out that they haven't, well there you go, just a bunch of gas-bagging by some annoying quacks with too much time.
Blah blah blah, so mad at feminism, blah blah blah, so mad at everything.
I'm not even arguing for or against anyone, I'm just saying you're all pathetic and have very annoying and stupid opinions that I'd expect from 14 year olds.
Either you're all actually 14 or you need to grow the fuck up.
Because calling people "dorks" makes you look so mature? But yeah, you want to play the "white knight" angle because you think it might get you laid, right? Seriously, you're an asshole. Where are you talking about "real issues? You are are just some small-dick wonder who gets his rocks off being a troll...
But don't tell me SJW's don't exist. They do and have existed for decades. We have the Farrakhan's and the ilk trying to find racism where it isn't. I recall a local retailer whose security guard chased down a shoplifter who was strangled to death as he brought him back to the store. Yes, a black man was killed, but by the black security guard. Did this stop certain black "dignitaries" from protesting the death? Nope. They came en masse and made a big "to do" over it. It was the store owned by "whites' who supposedly created the policy and atmosphere which caused this black man to kill another black man. It was all the fault of white men by their twisted logic. And this is just one example of the black right's movement having mostly achieved their goals, looking for anything and everything that they can conceivably use to remain in the spotlight. Plenty of more similar examples...
I recall tabletop gaming at a convention on a college campus about 15 years ago where a bunch of LGBT protesters made a loud walk through of every gaming room, carrying signs complaining about how tabletop RPGs don't properly represent them. The funny thing is most tabletop RPGs I know don't have rules for heterosexual "sex", almost every plot line involves people or monsters that need to be killed and "sex" is never a reward. Now, it can be, if a particular Storyteller chooses to address it, but its not in the base rule set. And if an LGBT Storyteller wanted to add such "representation", they could similarly add this element to their games. Where's the problem?
But now you have groups attacking Joss Wheden and Marvel for "sterilizing" Black Widow calling for them to be fired. A chief founder of Mozilla was forced to resign because of public protest that he contributed $5,000 to an anti-gay marriage Proposition. You have the mythological Norse character Thor being turned into a woman. You have any number of other asinine protests like petitions on claiming games need to be removed from store shelves because they specifically encourage violence toward women (when they clearly do not), but guess what, the games were removed from all 400 stores throughout Australia.
You have people protesting video games because of their mostly all white cast even though they are based in the Middle Ages and in Northern Europe where the people WERE almost exclusively all white. You have people protesting a video game because one bad guy was portrayed as gay. People complaining who the roughly 0.1% of our population of transgendered individuals are so under-represented in video games. Heck, where are the Eskimos? I can't think of a single game which properly represents this poorly represented ethnic group. And could you believe that when they are represented, it makes them all out to be living in Igloos! The nerve!
Seriously, take a look around. It's not just gamers talking about this wave of "social justice" wannabes. A number of well-known feminists have told these SJWs they should get behind "real" issues involving women, not the made-up BS they spout.
So, in short, EyeNixon, you are the one who needs to "wake up" and "grow up".