hedwards: So? And if I have chlidren with an Asian woman they won't have blue eyes.
Race isn't a skin color thing no matter how often people say that it is. Skin color is a relatively tiny piece of the puzzle and ultimately, there are plenty of Africans that aren't black. And I'm not just talking about the relatively recent immigrants either. Much of North Africa has been populated by white people for ages.
So it's genetical after all, even if we don't know where exactly that information is stored.
When two animals can reproduce among themselves (and their offspring is fertile, AFAIK), those 2 animals are of the same species. When an bunch of animals of the same species have distinct physical traits from each other, such as skin color, they are of different races. And that is an inherited trait. Of course there are mixed breeds, it's the same species after all, just like it happens to dogs.
Skin color has been a traditional trait for races to be separated by, but of course it's hard to tell the exact point when one stops being one race and becomes another. You can clearly say this guy is black and this other one is white; but what about that milk coffee colored one over there? Who knows. Maybe it's a mixed breed between black and white, maybe it's a pure breed of something else. Not that I care.
On the way of race, I've always wondered: what race am I? As most Basques, I'm white, or look the part anyway. Except, I'm officially Spanish, would that make me hispanic? What's the difference between whites and hispanics? Furthermore, as stated I'm Basque, and as such I've had many encounters with Spanish police where I've been poorly treated. From being stopped on an ID check for half an hour with absurd excuses (I was once held up literally because "it was too cold to wear shorts, and that was suspicious") to being held at gunpoint (with a machine gun!) by military police because I was deemed to have displayed too little respect. At least that one time in Madrid they were honest enough to outright say "We stop people from the north, and sometimes we get lucky". An asshole, yes, but an honest one; by far one of the better policemen I've had the dubious honor to encounter.
So yeah, I wonder: Am I the oppressing white male, or am I the oppresed minority? Help me out guys, I've got a bit of an identity crisis here.