SJWs have a pattern: they will attach themselves to anything that is perceived to be undeniably good. Equality for genders is a good thing for instance. I'm sure all of us have at least a mother, a sister, a girlfriend, a wife, a daughter or a even just friends and we wouldn't want them to be treated like inferior citizens, right? Who wouldn't want to agree with that? Who would say "no, I want my sister to be a subordinate"?
What then happens is that is attracts the kind of people who want to be the best among the good. They are in reality bad people, and they will bully anyone just so they can show off what good people they are. Take the Mattress Girl case or the Rolling Stone rape article, in both cases people took justice in their own hands rather than waiting for investigation. Why would you do that? These are the same kind people who a few decades prior would have lynched black people. They do it because it makes them feel superior.
SJWs have the most success infiltrating groups that are socially less adapt. There is a reason why comics, cartoons and video games are so infested. People were so desperate to gain mainstream acceptance they were accepting anyone with open arms. Very bad thing to do.
I am a small-scale software developer and as such I very much like the Free/Open Software initiatives. Of course I would like it if everyone and their mother were to embrace libre software, but let's be realistic, that will never happen. Remember the GitHub rag of meritocracy? It was essentially a carpet in one of GitHub's offices that said "United Meritocracy of GitHub". It was removed by the new CEO. Now let's think about this: open source is about everyone contributing the best they can. Imagine a group of people in the wild trying to build a settlement, everyone will find something they are good at and do that thing in order to make a good settlement for everyone. There is no room for politics. Open Source is similar, either write good code (or documentation, or interface or web presence) or GTFO.
Open Source is a good thing, right? Of course SJWs want to be in it, but they lack skill. There is no barrier to entry when it comes to open source, I am the proof of it. I wrote a tutorial to Vim, all I had to do was just do it. The people who accepted my pull request have no idea who I am. And I did not even have any special education, I learned how to use Git, Vim and how to write through freely available resources.
But the thing is that nerds are, generally speaking, not the cool people. Many want to be liked, they want to be cool and they will bend over for that. Case in point, this is the code of conduct that GitHub has been promoting for open source project hand has been adopting for a while: Here are some excerpts, emphasis by me:
Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
-Deliberate misgendering. This includes deadnaming or persistently using a pronoun that does not correctly reflect a person’s gender identity. You must address people by the name they give you when not addressing them by their username or handle
-Physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual descriptions like “hug” or “backrub”) without consent or after a request to stop
Our open source community prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. We will not act on complaints regarding:
- ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’
- Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you”
- Refusal to explain or debate social justice concepts
- Criticizing racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions
Although this list cannot be exhaustive, we explicitly honor diversity in age, gender, gender identity or expression, culture, ethnicity, language, national origin, political beliefs, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and technical ability. We will not tolerate discrimination based on any of the protected characteristics above, including participants with disabilities.
So yes, you can get your account suspended for writing *hug* to someone without asking for permission and you are not allowed to complain. You can always identify an SJW by the fact that they attribute blame instead of responsibility. I'm saying this now: Silicon Valley is the next Detroit. The reasons are different, but the outcome is the same. I have already shut down my premium account and moved my private repositories to another service. Linus Torvalds was a prophet when he designed Git to be decentral.
LeonardoCornejo: Legend of Korra was good until the finale. That last scene making a stupid fandom ship canon brought a bunch of SJWs into the fandom.
Nah, the finale was just the whole train wrack finally crashing, but it has been a train wreck form the start. I'll give the first season a pass because it was meant to be just a one-time thing. The entire series has problems from start to finish and the final scene is just the last punch to the guts. It was still watchable though, and I'm the kind of idiot who has to finish a show once ha has started watching it.