Posted June 24, 2015

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted June 24, 2015
Some stranger didn't say "Hi" to me today with a smile while I was at the supermarket. It must be MICRO AGGRESSION!

Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
Posted June 24, 2015

But a lot of those statements are true! It's completely insane.Supposedly intelligent adult human beings are agreeing with and implementing this rubbish. Its problematic.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted June 24, 2015
It just goes to show how when you look for a problem, you can find it anywhere. The "Hi" example is perfect. If they don't say it, they are sexist, if they do, they want to get in your pants and its the example of "Rape Culture". Either way, if you want to, you can paint anything as negative.
Just like with this whole debacle. Tweets criticizing Anita's stances were called "harassment", even the ones which were directly debating what she said. Heck, she deceived people even more with her collection of one week of "harassment" or whatever it was. When did she choose to collect those Tweets? Right after she blamed toxic masculinity on creating school shooters...
She went out of her way to attract negative attention. Rather deceptive in typical SJW fashion. As shown by Sargon...
Just like with this whole debacle. Tweets criticizing Anita's stances were called "harassment", even the ones which were directly debating what she said. Heck, she deceived people even more with her collection of one week of "harassment" or whatever it was. When did she choose to collect those Tweets? Right after she blamed toxic masculinity on creating school shooters...
She went out of her way to attract negative attention. Rather deceptive in typical SJW fashion. As shown by Sargon...

Magic researcher
Registered: Jan 2013
From Mexico
Posted June 25, 2015
Did you hear about the Dev who just rage quit not so long ago because their game, a game called Sunset, did not sell well even though it had good reviews from Kotaku, Eurogamer, Polygon, etc.? The funniest part is that I heard the dev team hired Leigh Alexander as PR manager or something like that. I don't know if the game was good or not, but I guess this proves that gamers ARE the right oudience because magazines that don't have such gamers as audience do not help game devs get the reach they need.
Post edited June 25, 2015 by LeonardoCornejo

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted June 25, 2015
low rated

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted June 25, 2015
low rated
If you guys are going to post random 'hyper-tolerance' pieces, not directly related to GG, from obviously biased sources I'll post random articles criticising the other side:
'Gay Reich' and 'Big Gay' WT actual F?
I LOLed though...
'Gay Reich' and 'Big Gay' WT actual F?
I LOLed though...

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted June 25, 2015
'Gay Reich' and 'Big Gay' WT actual F?
I LOLed though...
Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination.
Post edited June 25, 2015 by Klumpen0815

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted June 25, 2015
low rated
'Gay Reich' and 'Big Gay' WT actual F?
I LOLed though...

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination.

Also the Bible says a lot of crazy things about sex and marriage, cherry picking out the anti-gay ones is just agendising :P

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 25, 2015
That was pure comedy gold and reminds me of something I saw once. I went to the Democratic National Convention years ago as part of a class, and while we never actually got in, we found ourselves wandering the streets and enjoying the crazy people who protested various things outside. Perhaps most notably, there were a group of religious fanatics arguing against gay marriage, and you couldn't even hear yourself think over all the back-and-forth screaming between them and anyone who disagreed. One block down, there was a gay tolerance rally. It had balloons! Peaceful chanting, too. You can really do wonders by approaching intolerance with poise and without lowering yourself to the same level.
Which, incidentally, is why I'd probably be considered "anti-SJW"; the heated rhetoric and miscellaneous yelling/shaming does little but give whatever cause the person's being horrible in the name of a bad reputation. Just look at the link Shadowstalker16 posted from the father of an autistic child to see an example (one of many, I'd wager) of the kinds of negatives inherent to that form of "advocacy."
And speaking of which, I got to thinking about something htown posted however long ago about how this thread sometimes veers into anti-SJW stuff more than journalistic ethics. The best way I can think to explain it would be a sports analogy where better ethics in journalism is the goal, and the SJW-types are the opposing team that insist on being an obstacle. After awhile, it gets to the point where the players get frustrated and badmouth other players, but it doesn't change the fact that their job is all about getting the ball to the goal at the end of the day.
Which, incidentally, is why I'd probably be considered "anti-SJW"; the heated rhetoric and miscellaneous yelling/shaming does little but give whatever cause the person's being horrible in the name of a bad reputation. Just look at the link Shadowstalker16 posted from the father of an autistic child to see an example (one of many, I'd wager) of the kinds of negatives inherent to that form of "advocacy."
And speaking of which, I got to thinking about something htown posted however long ago about how this thread sometimes veers into anti-SJW stuff more than journalistic ethics. The best way I can think to explain it would be a sports analogy where better ethics in journalism is the goal, and the SJW-types are the opposing team that insist on being an obstacle. After awhile, it gets to the point where the players get frustrated and badmouth other players, but it doesn't change the fact that their job is all about getting the ball to the goal at the end of the day.

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted June 25, 2015
'Gay Reich' and 'Big Gay' WT actual F?
I LOLed though...
What you are doing is CREATING a connection that does not exist between gamergate and religious extremist groups; either to make other people feel GG as less credible; or to make yourself more convinced you're on the right side because you somehow believe conservative Christianity is related gamergate.
The point is; would an SJW shown a game with mature themes want to censor it? Or in the very least mis-represent its content to gain moral highh-ground? YES
Will a gater or proGG person shown gay marriage oppose it? Most likely not. I know I don't; and I know most people on the internet or alive today who has / had access to a good teacher don't / won't. And it seems even then, these social justice types wanna brand someone as placetaghere and then do nothing.
Anyhow; since we're on the topic; do YOU believe in ''micro aggressions'' and ''rape CULTure'' and ''patriarchy''?

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted June 25, 2015
Christians are not bound by Jewish law, otherwise we would still be eating kosher and mutilating our infants' genitals. The real issue is that "gay rights" has become gay oppression where everyone who isn't licking the LGBT lobby boots is being painted as a backwards redneck outcast. Homosexuals have already achieved their goal, they have the same legal protection as heterosexuals, but that is not good enough for them. They want to be protected class and have special privileges like child adoption and pushing their agenda on everyone else to paint is as being something normal. The acceptance of gay marriage is just a stepping stone towards that. And by "they" I mean the lobbyists, of course not every homosexual is like that [end obvious disclaimer]
That site you linked is just using every slightest opportunity to bash Christians and they are not even trying to hid it. Here are some videos by a guy (who happens to be atheist as well, but not an atheist cultist) noticing the gay push:
On the topic of the confederate flag, it has nothing to do with racism. The American civil war was not about ending slavery; think about it: what kind of man would leave behind his wife and children to go to a war to die so some negroes can be free but then still force them to use separate bathrooms? It was a war between the industrial north and the rural south, the north did not want to south to secede because they needed those resources. And never forget that the [url=]first legal slave owner in the English colonies[/url] was in fact a black man.
That site you linked is just using every slightest opportunity to bash Christians and they are not even trying to hid it. Here are some videos by a guy (who happens to be atheist as well, but not an atheist cultist) noticing the gay push:
On the topic of the confederate flag, it has nothing to do with racism. The American civil war was not about ending slavery; think about it: what kind of man would leave behind his wife and children to go to a war to die so some negroes can be free but then still force them to use separate bathrooms? It was a war between the industrial north and the rural south, the north did not want to south to secede because they needed those resources. And never forget that the [url=]first legal slave owner in the English colonies[/url] was in fact a black man.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted June 25, 2015
This is just disgusting. Instead of raising the bar by educating people about the true meaning of the flag and the backgrounds of the war the lies are just being cemented deeper and deeper.
This is just disgusting. Instead of raising the bar by educating people about the true meaning of the flag and the backgrounds of the war the lies are just being cemented deeper and deeper.