#gamergate news:
If my information is correct, deepfreeze.It had successful funds raised and thus will have a small add campaign.
(Also, liberal lunacys charity paid off and her stairlift has been installed)
a former SJW and recent gg supporter claims E3 is gg's chance On that subject, tomorrow a thunderclap will take place (basically if you support a certain thunderclap, all supporters will post a fixed message at a fixed moment to generate attention).
In general news:
Anita and josh are not amused by the fact DOOM4 will feature heavy violence & gore and said "saying it's to be expected from doom is not an excuse". (?!? what did they expect? Summer tea time with rabid hellspawn from space?)
Neither are they glad fallout4 puts quite some focus on combat (equal to previous fallouts). They liked the crafting options but "it's to bad a lot of your crafting is to kill things" (well I myself don't want to have deathclaws in my self made village without having decent guns sooo...).
I myself have had my skepticism torpedoed by fallout4's presentation. I am actually really hyped now.
Anita would have like dishonored 2 to feature
EXCLUSIVELY a female lead, and not a choice between Corvo and Emily like it's announced now (really, not being exclusively female is bad? Also, some SJW predicted butthurt from gg over Emily being an option as a female lead, gg however seemed to like the option of choice).
should just drop violence if it wants to "mature" (Although we all know only kids want to grow up, actual adults usually want back)
(yes this is all real) These kind of ridiculous statements have resulted in a
small backlash as some followers of Anita f
or a moment believed they were actually
following a parody account. So
yeah. not E3:
A game dev of a not so good game (putting that mildly) has had a
massive meltdown. I dare say we have not witnessed a meltdown of
this caliber since
Phil "such my dick and choke on it"
The current status of the games website tells
all you need to know about this.