SusurrusParadox: Fixed it for you.
'transgender' is an adjective, not a noun.
.. also you're a bit of an arse if you don't understand why a label is useful.
Shall we call refer to women as 'normal' but specify 'men' ? They are the norm, are they not?
The word is useful and has its place. That is enough.
First point: Word is useful, therefore it should be used correctly.
Second point: How about we don't fucking 'other' people like that and push the notion that relative minorities are 'abnormal' (complete with negative connotations of deviance, disease, & brokenness).
Third point: Same reason I'm affixing the label 'bit of an arse' to you right now; it fits.
(It's really terribly unsurprising when people like to use slurs, and ableist ones at that, in an attempt to mock & deride & try to dismiss appropriate terminology for things like gender and sexuality.
It's also unsurprising that it's the 'Gamergaters' spouting off transphobic fuckery. Disappointing.. but unsurprising.
C'mon, people.
Prove the consensus wrong: Surely you aren't
all whiny pissbabies that can't stand criticism and demand that people you don't like shut up forever.
There's got to be at least one of you out there that really truly just cares about ethics and videogames, and manages to not be a transphobic ass, and/or sexist and/or homophobic and/or ableist.
I suppose I haven't seen any racism in this particular thread. I guess that's a tentative pass on that particular element of the 'not being an asshole' litmus test.
Protip: If you're trying to appear like the superior reasonable side, don't use blatant slurs and don't dehumanise entire groups of people. Simples~)
LeonardoCornejo: First, I never used slurs.
Second, you are the most toxic and politically correct person I have seen in this place. You sound as if you were born in tumblr.
Third, do you realy think calling us pissbabies is not a slur? A rather ableist and or ageist one by the way.
Fourth, I do not care if you are going to defend groups or not, but satatistically so to speak, LGBT people are not the norm, and should never be, for that might not benefit the reproductive process of the species. I am notr talking about them being inferior (The thought would not cross my mind if I was not walking on eggshells all the time) or wrong, I am talking about the sheer numbers and what is normal based on the reproductive functions of the species.
Sorry but two males (or females) having sex won't yield any offsprng, even if they alter their body to look like that of the opposite. And you can't change that. Not only it is not normal in the reproductive sense, you could also say it is not natural, again in the reproductive sense.
And if you don't like that go and complain to mother nature or whatever you believe is the source of all life, because there is no way to change how humans reproduce for now.
I am tired of SJWs fowning upon heteronormativity and trying to make being straight something bad and making labels to make us look as if we were the ones who are breaking the norm.
I must make emphasis on the fact that I don't feel animosity toward LGBT (and I am not adding more leters to the acronym, back in the day it ws only LGB, the meaning does not change) peole, and I don't believe it is wrong to be abnormal, I am a fucking abnormal myself (OCD). But don't expect me to be politically correct.
By the way I am not transphobic or homophobic because that would require to feel animosity or believe those groups are inferior. I am not sexist because I believe people deserve the same oportunitites and a fair treatment based on their needs (No matter how sexist it might sound women DESERVE maternity leave, and gynecologists are needed). And I might be a little ableist but only because it is
logical to belive people with mental retardation are not as intelligent or capable as a normal person, and they may become a burden to others. You were lucky to guess one out of four.
And I don't care if that is politically incorrect, it is scientifically accurate, and science is the only truth we should abide to.
OH, by the way,
using the term retarded to refer to someone or something stupid is not ableism, it is recognizing
the intellectual quatitative inferiority of persons with mental retardation and comparing the subject to it. It is
insulting but not ableist. And in case you dare to say "B... Bu... Bu... But what about Rainman, and all those savant kids?" Let me correct you, they have autism, not reatardation.
Your behavior is actually a form of bullying, you are just going arround the internet nagging, complaining, and censoring anything you don't like and exerting pressure to force people into doing what you want.
*Drops mic*
Oh yes you fuckin' did.
And it's not 'scientifically accurate' either.
(Asides from which, there were "scientifically" "accurate" arguments for racism and other such bullshit.
You're being fallacious if you're honestly making a vague appeal to 'science'; an appeal to authority by any other name..)
In fact, it's outdated and deprecated now (even in the medical & scientific communities).
It's considered to be.. *drum rolls* a slur; insulting, disrespectful, and unnecessarily offensive.
(Check the DMS V; it's not included.)
“What’s wrong with "retard"? I can only tell you what it means to me and people like me when we hear it. It means that the rest of you are excluding us from your group. We are something that is not like you and something that none of you would ever want to be. We are something outside the "in" group. We are someone that is not your kind. I want you to know that it hurts to be left out here, alone.” – Joseph Franklin Stephens, Special Olympics Virginia athlete and Global Messenger.
... you do realise that some instances of two men and two women can actually have children together, right?
Like, that is a thing that has happened already.
It's.. entirely possible.
(Hint: Trans people exist.)
If we take a step outside of the genetic material of both members of the couple themselves, we have sperm banks (for any partner with a functional womb). Aaaaand there are surrogates too.
If we take a step outside of the genetic material of the couple entirely, we have adoption! So many kids that need loving parents.
Point: Your argument is.. well, nonsense.
(Asides from which, humanity as a species is kind of.. abundant? There are an awful lot of humans.
We don't actually need to focus purely on reproducing, and certainly not at as high a rate as we have been.
We would actually benefit as a species if the rate of reproduction was slowed in many areas.)
And who gives a fuck about "natural" ? It exists in nature, it is natural. Simple!
Either you follow that interpretation above or you recognise that 'natural' does not equate to 'good' anyway (another fallacy!), and that you are using a bloody technological marvel to even post that sort of bullshit.
You're also conflating 'normal' with 'most common', for which a better term is 'typical' (as in 'neurotypical').
The problem with heteronormativity is in fact not heterosexual people existing (which is.. honestly founded on the premise of 'opposite' sexes, which is kinda silly if you actually understand the variation.. but that's besides the point), but the fact that society as a whole basically ignores/erases anyone that does not fit that particular paradigm.
Heteronormativity is not a cis man and a cis woman in a relationship; it is people treating those that are not that particular pattern differently (especially in a negative sense) to those that are.
See: Sex education (for example) barely mentioning same-sex relationships, or neglecting to point out that bisexuality exists etc.
Or.. in fact, I'll just link an article:
(It's supposed to demonstrate to otherwise-ignorant people that they might be neglecting how much of a negative impact a heteronormative approach has upon those that are relative minorities.)
Seriously. You got called on shitty ableism and you doubled down on it (emphasising how wrong you are in the process) instead of acknowledging that actually you were being an asshole and should probably not do that.
Poor show.