From the end. There is no unique objective review of Hatred, the game... any review which is fair, true, informative, etc... is objective enough. Do you remember my dissection of a Zero Punctuation review? It was an objective review... it seems to me you guys constantly assume objectivity means no diversity, no humanity... ridiculous, no one is saying that. It's all in your mind.
Now, me saying:
I don't like the game is neither objective, nor a review. Me saying
I don't like games where you kill civilians is objective, and at least partially a review. Do you see the difference? In one of those the reader actually learned some facts about the game. In the first, the only fact learned is about the reviewer...
Moving on to objectivity or not of truth, fairness and neutrality. What exactly do you mean? :) Are we going back to DNA evidence? Don't you think there is a unique truth which may be interpreted in multiple ways? Do you actually go full pomo into multiple realities, rather than multiple views on Reality? I mean, sure the world and relaity is messy... but to give it up because it's hard...
Anyway, I'll hold on fairness and neutrality because to some extent they depend on the uniqueness of reality. Feel free to expand what you mean when you say they are subjecitive if you'd rather.
Fever_Discordia: In what way, then, is Gias being 'unethical'?
As a journalist? :) He let his ideological or political beliefs get in the way of representing the game fairly.
He might be a wonderful ethical human, super nice person, full of loving intent and unicorns and rainbows everywhere... but he didn't do a very good job with a significant part of his review. Talk to Kurina about his specific issues. I'm prettty sure I already told you I don't know the details, but I think it was her that was happy to post in depth about that topic.
And by the way, if he was in a specialist publication, dedicated to such agendas, his review would not be so unethical. But as far I know the place he writes is still a generalist publication for gaming... less and less so I guess, but still...
Suggest we move into chat... I'm developing some split personality trying to carry such a conversation with both of you simultaneously.