We have talked about capitalism, in PMs I think, and in other threads as well. Which threads I'm less sure right now, as there have been several in the past 6 months or so. For example, it could have been related to arguments that objectivity in journalism is in the service of corporate interests. (PS: does that count as conspiracy theory or are they all on the GG side?)
Anyway, my takeaway is we're having a more open dialogue when our ideological assumptions are explicit. So if you want to ask me something feel free to. Whether you missed it in the past or not is somewhat irrelevant as I just wanted to make a personal point that I feel our dialogue is advancing, if slowly - I certainly feel like I'm dragging us forward incrementally, though you jump in frequently so I don't really feel guilty over it, because you clearly have something to express that you care about.
In relation to our sides, I'm happy you don't think me as against freedom of speech. That said the fact I don't identify as GG is not what makes me pro freedom of speech. My opinion is that the side that is most strongly against freedom of speech is the antiGG side. I don't think I ever said anything else, ever since the heavy comment moderation / censorship across Gaming communities during the Zoe discussions. That said, since you yourself brought up that we disagree what censorship is I'll leave it at that for now.
The connection to the Indiana law is to me obvious, and since you yourself admitted / recognized the deeper cultural war currents to this topic seems to me you're being somewhat disingenuous. Want to discuss any of that further? Ask away...
If you hadn't puzzled my libertarianism by now you either are quite biased to see me as as extreme-right of some type, or you couldn't care less about my individual politics. If it's the second great, but even so having it made explicit can't hurt. I guess...
On my closing paragraphs... yes, I packed a lot in there. I see related arguments particularly in closing which you might prefer to separate.
Let me charicature my main point to a level that it actually becomes false and stops being my point in the hopes you get it.
Me: Social justice is bad. This is about ethics in gaming / journalism / life / politics... whatever.
You: Social justice is political, not ethical at all.
Me: Of course it's political, but it's ALSO ethical. SJW are bad. Wrong. Anti freedom. Totalitarian. Oppressive. Perverse. EVIL!
You: I don't know what you're saying... but that's nothing to do with ethics.
Me: 0_o
"Bottom line, your argumentation with me is ... begging the question, because you just don't see anything to disagree on at a deeper level. ... Of course the fundamental disagreement is political, but it's also ethical.
When we look at a specific front in the culture wars, the ethics have not suddenly disappeared, they're there if only you'll actually engage them. Obviously your side doesn't want to engage at that level. I can tell you why. Because it would legitimize the opposition. Why give them a fair chance when dehumanization and ridicule got you so far in achieving progressive goals in the past century? That's what counts right, achieving the goals... Eggs and omelettes...at what point do you cross the ethical line? Or do you really think there is no line at all?"
Although others have stopped giving you the benefit of the doubt, I think if we get over your hangup over seeing this as ethics rather than mere partisan power politics the remaining points in there would become clearer. Namely that I see your side's constant refusals to engage the ethics level of this discussion as either: subconscious elitist prejudice and ivory tower arrogance, or conscious radical pragmatism and unjust hipocrisy.
Finally, given how you just described the content of the Cracked article suffice to say I'm likely more informed than you on the background and context. I had counted on parallels being obvious that aren't. Was this article your first information on the Sad Puppies topic? A reductivist statement would be that the Cracked article is about the elite of SciFi being very displeased how the populace of SciFi voted / expressed themselves. Effective propaganda and recruitment though, seeing as it left you with the impression that the democratic empowering actions of group A are: illegitimate, wrong, shady, abusive, etc...
But it's nothing to do with ethics. Right? :) Please note, I'm not saying there's no politics involved. I assume we agree there are. But our real disagreement is on ethics. You just can't seem to accept it.