Klumpen0815: Yes, exactly at 0:40.
Vainamoinen: You're right — I was wrong, it is there. Which remains baffling to me, considering that Biscuit doesn't continue in that vein. I'm not sure the word
'backer' is even uttered in the 11 minutes following. It's about artistic creativity, about Obsidian, about creative coherence, about 'historical accuracy', about characters that belong in the game. Strictly off topic stuff... :(
WBGhiro: Jesus Christ, how fucking mad can people get over a vaguely dirty limerick?
Vainamoinen: Okay, if people start calling that a
limerick, I may have that ragefit after all. ;)
As to the 'fucking madness' over the 'joke' — I made a rough comparison of youtube results with the search terms "
pillars of eternity transphobic" from the last week, and even varying search terms ("transphobia", "transmisogyny", "misogyny", "poem") I found two relevant videos total.
Entering "pillars of eternity" in the search bar using the autocomplete function doesn't give me any kind of additional search terms that fit the bill here, which might be different in other countries.
Then I searched for another "joke" with the search terms "
Tim Schafer sock puppet".
First five autocompletes to "Tim Schafer" give you sock puppet results already.
Jesus H. Macy, how fucking mad can people get over a not even remotely offensive joke? Lawl did you just blame the people of the internet for not searching for what you want them to and creating parodies of things you you hate? You have reached a point of utter refinement dear sir.
Anyhow; the sheer fact that you try to compare a fictional and subjective insult (ie; its is proven it is fictional, proven to be part of a game's story and lore, proven not to be true, and is reasonably obvious to all but a hipster few that it is obviously a JOKE that pokes fun at both parties involved EQUALLY unless trans folks are more equal ofc) is strange for coming from a progressive ideology.
Also we see this again. You trying or rather believing your opinions are objective facts. Its your OPINION that the Tim SP Schafer joke is not offensive. Maybe you know; other people find the joke your crying over silly like you find the Tim SP one silly? Have you contemplated that? It opens up a world of possibilities I know; the theory that other people can have thoughts that are different from yours. Its a radical one indeed; but I beg thy to give it more than few seconds of thought.
Lets explain the Tim SP principle. Its kinda similar to SJW philosophy; but is actually true :D. Because logic! And facts! How nice isn't it?
#NYS=composed of females, L,G,B,T,Q, and racial minorities.Saying all of them are one group that behaves in the same way=meh
#PickAnyRelegion=composed of males, females, L,G,B,T,Q and racial minorities. Saying all of them are one group and behave in the same way= OMG PREJUDICE! GET THE THUMBSCREWS!
Hope its all easy and dandy to understand.