Rusty_Gunn: Hatemongering:The media has had a field day painting everything not lining with their narrative as wild misogynist wackos.
1) It was Briana Wu who had to grovel to be let back into the Anti-GG Clubhouse & as far I heard not peep needed to be said about Brad Wardell. & Sam "Let's bring back Bullying" is GG?
2) you mean her very flawed & cherrypicked critiques?
What Criminal activity are you talking about? GG brought in the FBI to investigate the harrassment claims
Abuse:Abuse is flat out horrible but what does that have to do with GG?
"I'm fine with no game encouraging the player to beat other characters to death."
But are you fine with games being made for people with different tastes?
Militant Feminazis: those do tend to be the loudest & most vocal so I can see where those could be mistaken for the Feminist leaders.
You're conflating mass media with feminist groups. Quick reminder: Reporters != political activists. The media sensationalizes everything, yes. That's very, very different from what Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, etc went through. What happened to them was stalking (a crime), harassment (a crime) and hatemongering (not a crime, but horrible). What happened to GG was a bunch of decent articles about how hateful they were being, and then a bunch of regurgitated articles.
Re: Crimes
See above. Stalking and harassment are crimes in all US jurisdictions, doxxing is a crime depending on what is being published and how it was obtained. The crimes were, and are, happening. That the police haven't caught anyone yet is sad, but hopefully won't be the case forever. I can't imagine that GG could have called in the FBI unless a member is an FBI agent - regular civilians don't have that power. They can report crimes to the FBI and the FBI can investigate things, but it's not at all as simple as you stated. For one thing, it would have to be the harassment victims who reported the crime to start the investigation.
Re: Abuse
That was related to the discussion about GTA, which ended. Better reading needed, I think.
Re: Critiques
Said it before, but I guess it has to be said again: Critiques can be from any perspective and about anything so long as they provide evidence and maintain a reasonable tone (non-reasonable tone and lack of evidence is what makes a rant).
If someone decides they hate the color blue, and give all games with blue in them 1 star, that's a valid critique. Anita Sarkeesian's critiques are often so basic and uncontroversial artists I've mentioned GG to have a hard time believing anyone could get upset over them. Anita is doing Art Critiquing 101. That many gamers can't stand even that level of critique reflects very badly on the hobby.
I'm fine with games being made for different tastes - but there are a lot of people who seem to want all games to be violent, have sex scenes, etc. I've gotten shouted down repeatedly or insulted when suggesting that lots of gore or nudity is unnecessary.
Re: Militants
It's a problem that the media tends to report only the loudest and craziest voices. :/ 90% of feminists are great, but the 10% who are just nuts get the most media time. My problem with GG is that I haven't seen that there's a silent majority of regular people - I've read blog posts, seen videos, looked at Twitter, and it seems like 90% of GG is bigoted nutjobs with specific talking points. Between that and the small number of GGers I think it's an extremist group.