Fever_Discordia: To tell you the truth, if you're a leftie and you've been reading the leftie gaming press for years and you agree with their stances and opinions you kind of assume that they are accurately representing the gaming community and everything is lovely, you don't even notice it IS leftie, it just seems, y'know, normal and common sense and sane
To suddenly find that all you GG types even exist out there is.. a bit shocking really!
RWarehall: Actually reading old articles it seemed rather civil. It wasn't until Kotaku and 2012 when the opinions started turning against him.
Seems all the dissent I can find all came from that first article about it. And I noticed a very curious thing. With the lawsuit ongoing, apparently Alexandra Miseta provided some of the documents to Kotaku. That part is very interesting. That may explain the dismissal with apology and prejudice more than anything else. The courts really hate people using media like that during a lawsuit...
Fever_Discordia: Well that was dumb on her part and was really disrespectful to the judicial process buuuut.. puts Brad less in the clear IMO - I mean it sounds like her case was thrown out more because she acted stupid during the trial and less because of what Brad did or didn't do beforehand...
Group think. It's a sad reality for every single demographic of homo sapiens on planet Earth. We tend to speak, act, and think like those around us. As controversial and insulting as you might think it is, there's still plenty of places around the world where people do and say things everyday that might sicken, offend, or enrage you. Why? Because that's the way they do things there and they suffer from exactly the same condition. I guess it's part of human survival, to group together and think and act alike for the 'common good', which is why true rebels are so rare. It's not because necessarily that they have a better way of living or thinking, it's just that they have the skills and the courage to do so differently even within their own social order. Telling off your own people, at the risk of your own status, career... or sometimes physical health... that's very rare.
And that's part of the danger of political correctness, if you ask me. It forces consensus through a combination of guilt-shaming, media manipulation, and the determination of undermining long-held traditions and social constructs... simply for the purpose of creating enough chaos so they can build a new society of compliant worker bees (conformity via diversity. Ironic, isn't it?). There's not a tyrant or demagog in history who hasn't had that same goal... working within groups in order to OWN the group.