htown1980: snip
#gg is a great movement if you want to fight SJW-ism and feminism in games or games journalism or games writing or games critiquing. Not so great if you don't care about that but like free, accountable and (where appropriate) hard hitting games writing and critiquing.
Brasas: They are not contradictory... the ones (ideological activism) are the root causes of the lack of other (professional ethics)... which you can disagree, but your refusal to accept as logical explains a lot of your animus...
Edit: And a disclaimer, professional ethics do not preclude investigative, embedded, critical journalism - it just needs to be objective and neutral as much as possible. We want journalism, not advertisement, nor propaganda. The difference being the advertisement in media is much more open, whereas the propaganda is subversive and often unconscious, which by itself is another ethical issue (transparency, disclosure).
I didn't say they were contradictory. But its incorrect to say "ideological activism" is the root cause of unethical journalistic practices. Ideological activism has nothing to do with lack of professional ethics. One can be an ideological activist and also an ethical journalist. Look at John Pilger, certainly not neutral, certainly an activist, and also a great journalist. You can report on a massacre in Dili, accuse the government of wrong doing, advocate other people and governments to do something about it, take a completely non objective and non neutral stance and still be ethical. Heck, look at Tom Wolfe, Robert Fisk, Margaret Fuller, even Hunter S Thompson.
You want games writers who present facts objectively and neutrally. That's fine, good luck finding that. I want games writers who write interesting articles, who give opinions, who review games informed by their own backgrounds and beliefs, who say what they want without being influenced by game developers or distributors. That's about personal taste, not ethics.