Klumpen0815: And so is opposing the opposition. There are not as many people calling themselves "gamergaters" as there are for example people calling themselves feminists (even if they never did anything positive in this direction) and you title yourself as SJW here (I hope it's ironic but don't dare to hope so).
Even more so, the main figureheads of the movement don't even associate with gamergate. Sommers, Yiannopoulos, Baldwin, Aurini, etc.
But still they try to tell me what gamergate really is about. Sorry, not eating that shit up.
The "title" SJW is, of course, ironic.
Please consider for a
second why you knew that. Because "Social Justice Warrior" is a term created to be derogative, just like "nig***". And of course it is needlessly politically charged, originating from a plutocracy/theocracy with an extremely narrow, all right wing political spectrum, where any derivative or compound of the word 'social' bears a negative connotation.
Calling oneself "Social Justice Warrior" challenges that shrivelled mindset and self created enemy concept, because users of the term are well aware that no one would really want to slap that label on themselves.
Keep that in mind.
Klumpen0815: I aggree with the articles premise that #gamergate has harmed a lot, but that's mainly because people looking it up on Wikipedia are now reading the bullshit that is coming more or less directly from people like Quinn and Sarkeesian who were so free to redefine it and you seem to believe them.
Sarkeesian and Quinn talk about harrassment in the first place... not gamergate. Unless of course you think of it as the same thing. Of course, I'm uncertain how Quinn could ever NOT oppose that label. It WAS created by Baldwin as a pure slutshaming attempt, that is not a point that can be debated in any sensible way. What Quinn actually did - also, not to be denied -
was to ask for a new label under which game ethics could actually be discussed, one that wasn't created with the sole intent to put a stamp on her head, one not created by a shit person.
That request was denied, and I still find that telling.
Sure, the swastika originally denoted the sun and could denote something entirely else in the future. But for now, anyone who slaps a swastika on their clothing is creepy to me. It's the very same thing with the gamergate label. It keeps going as
gamergate. Even if it was pure philantropy at heart right now (which it isn't), people would still keep using Adam Baldwin's burgers and fries tweet as the basis for their movement "about journalist ethics". That happens to be alarming to proper people.
Gamergate discussions center around who said what on twitter and tumblr, around feminism and the SJW, around the Sarkeesian Effect documentary, around 'professional victims', around who insulted, harrassed or doxxed whom and who didn't, around games that may or may not be games or the degree of diversity that is acceptable in a game. All that has zip to do with the "journalist ethics" bla bla. Actual game industry ethics are hardly ever touched on. And god forbid some gater starts to state goals for gamergate again, because the last ones I've seen proposed straight out fascist control of the press. Like, be "apolitical" (apolitical as defined by gaters) or
lose your job. Dark ages man, dark ages.
Tim Schafer makes a single joke mentioning gamergate, the rage machine is going full speed, gamergate supporters are calling him racist, and that's about all I ever get when I search for GDC on youtube.
That is gamergate. That is what my hobby has become.
And that's all of it, that's the goal. Ruining my fucking fun, that's all gamergate has achieved up to now.
Klumpen0815: It is no coincidence, that this bollocks article calling it "mysoginistic" etc... is "protected" (meaning: unable to correct) until summer 2015. Shaming and silencing critics is always the preferred method as it seems.
It is not a secret why the article was protected. In the first place, gaters trying to spin the narrative in their favor; later, feminist editors were banned from working on the page. It will continue to be protected, hopefully.
zavlin: yeah if this "movement" wants any credibility... it needs to find a way to take the focus off of feminism completely, and get back onto corruption. Sure corruption is out there.. but how much of it has to do with a girl who wishes girls were represented better in games? Basically none of it.
Obviously, I need a thousand lines to get that single point across. ;)
But I find it really cute how John Bain advises gaters to get back on that topic, drop the SJW conspiracy nonsense and focus on the video game industry. Teaching gaters how to be gaters. While they certainly know best.