Klumpen0815: I may remind you again, that #gamergate always was about corruption in journalism
It's a hate movement that originated as a counter reaction to voices asking for more inclusion and diversity in video games. And scene. As such it started, before the label, many years ago. It's hard to deny that it's the same reaction we saw when Sarkeesian first ran her Kickstarter. Same voices, same arguments, same topic, same intensity.
So, no, the movement in itself, before Baldwin got interested, wasn't about corruption in journalism at all. It also wasn't about corruption in journalism when Baldwin gave it its name. Then it was about slutshaming. But in an effort to justify their abject anger, some sources called a bunch of randon articles
about the outrage insulting, equalled that to corruption, and bingo.
This is not a hen/egg situation. It's all too clear what reacted to what. When gaters claim that only the (ha, ha) "gamers are dead" articles had started this thing, they refuse to see that those articles already were a reaction to a movement that had clearly already formed, whether they agree with its depiction or not. And the link to "corruption" in that respect hasn't even been remotely established. The following "investigation" made 100% clear that this was about finding dirt on people who supposedly 'insulted' "gamers". Cause and effect: I feel insulted, therefore this person must be corrupt, therefore I will try to find more 'proof' of corruption. This had and continues to have nothing, absolutely nothing with corruption in game journalism.
It's witch hunting 101. FIRST you find your witch, THEN you find proof of witchcraft.
And gaters are usually well aware how this whole mess lacks in sensible thematic progression, that's why they created themselves a bonding narrative. You can't really say that "it's about corruption in journalism" and still keep hating on mainly non journalists. So how does gamergate keep going? Easy. By inventing themselves a nice ficititious enemy figure and a huge conspiracy. They invent communities and organisations that try to 'inject' their ideologies into video games. They desperately try to paint video game journalism and criticism as a political activity. And, wam, finally they can hate on mere video game critics or games that don't have the gameplay they like. Because all those things are then "corruption in journalism".
It's a completely laughable logic.
Fever_Discordia: If GG is REALLY about corruption it should have gone after EA or Ubi
That's why we have the "corruption in game JOURNALISM" narrative in the meantime. Not "game INDUSTRY". Of course, by its own then standards, gamergate should have straight out killed Warner for the Mordor deals. But, yeah, never was what this is about. Corruption is something you find when you sniff out money. EA, Ubisoft, Warner, lots of money. Most video game journalists are dirt poor, while declaring your company not-for-profit is a huge mistake in trying to make a fortune.