Posted March 11, 2015

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015
Look at ideal before and after that period of time and outside that particular geographic region.
Post edited March 11, 2015 by HiPhish

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015
low rated

Women with the present 'ideal' female figure wouldn't have lasted a week throughout most of history in most geographic regions. As to art, you will find most depictions of women from the early Greek to early modernity to be considerably more sturdy than today's ideal. What we find "chubby" today in fact signalled health and most importantly fitness for work back then — and the prospect of giving birth to many healthy children to boot.
We have a problem with obesity in our society, certainly, but it's largely unrelated to the topic at hand.
With women, the shaming begins much earlier than actual health problems. Bringing up the "BBW" as an extreme shows where the discussion is dragged into the unreasonable. As a matter of fact, porn has diversified a whole lot more and takes quite different preferences into account. Vary the search terms and you find a heap of variety south of skinny. This is not a black & white issue. There is, for starters, hardly anything unhealthy about what we consider "plus size" models today.
"Fat" lies in the eye of the beholder. We all have body fat. Quite an interestingly high percentage of it.
Post edited March 11, 2015 by Vainamoinen

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 11, 2015
low rated

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^
"sorry mate, were you next for the urinal? I didn't mean to cut in..."
"Oh, no, no, I just came here for a rest"
Post edited March 11, 2015 by Fever_Discordia

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015
There is a difference between the ideal and the normal. The ideal is just a fantasy. However, there is a normal and when I talk about fat people I mean people beyond the healthy normal. Just google fat activist. That's not "chubby" anymore, it is obese.

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^

"sorry mate, were you next for the urinal? I didn't mean to cut in..."
"Oh, no, no, I just came here for a rest"
Drive on the Parkway
Park in the Driveway

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015
Fat chicks are criminally underrated.

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015
Neither seems fat to me, curvy maybe but not fat. When I see others mention fat in this thread I believe they mean morbidly obese. A BMI of 40+ means you have trouble walking and breathing. It's a very serious medical condition and it will kill you.
While I think calling someone a landwhale is unnecessarily rude, it doesn't change the fact that someone morbidly obese needs to lose weight. Not treating it is like ignoring cancer - a very bad idea in general.
While I think calling someone a landwhale is unnecessarily rude, it doesn't change the fact that someone morbidly obese needs to lose weight. Not treating it is like ignoring cancer - a very bad idea in general.
Post edited March 11, 2015 by tremere110

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted March 11, 2015
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Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 11, 2015
low rated
Tim has been on the writing team of some of the funniest games in gaming history and I think his biggest crime was that his joke was just plain not funny - is he the Kevin Smith of gaming - burnt out and failing to live up to his potential? They certainly LOOK similar
Also he seemed a bit dickish for doing it and was stirring a pot that had been stirred way too much already
But NO to the whole 'minorities' thing - look at it this way: If Sarah Palin started a pro-life group called 'Mother's Against Abortion' and got high-level, high-profile support from certain ethnic minority groups that have gained quite the reputation for being more than a tad conservative of late, it's like if a white, middle-class, male pro-choicer couldn't call them out for anything without pro-lifers going
"Shocking! Did you see how that white guy disrespected the views of that group for women and minorities, because its not ABOUT abortion anymore, its about their views and opinions being white-washed and belittled!"
No, no, it's still totally about abortion
In fact, if anything, it really just serves to highlight the fact that GGer point to #NotYourShield to add supposed legitimacy to their cause and use them as a sort of, well... SHIELD!
Post edited March 11, 2015 by Fever_Discordia

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015
NotYourShield formed itself as a direct response to the accusations of every gamer being a white male nerd. It was not formed by another entity for publicity. Tim Schafer directly went for NotYourShield and implied they were all sock puppets. And finally, NotYourShield is a subset of GamerGate.
Also, don't use terms like "certain ethnic minority" in an international forum. I don't live in the USA, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
Also, don't use terms like "certain ethnic minority" in an international forum. I don't live in the USA, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 11, 2015
Tim schafer used to be great. Now he claimed again that the minorities in gg, who have often been dismissed as sock puppets (no you are not a woman if you sopport gg, even if you are female) and he did so as well.
And his financial management used to be better. get 8 times the requested money, still finish only half of it
GG was about ethics and against forcing gender politics in games, but a members of the professional victims unit changed its meaning in misoginy
funny: when a religious terrorist bombs a place, everyone agrees that we cannot extrapolate those individuals to the entire religion. This is naturally correct. Generalizing extremists is bad.
UNLESS its about gamers. A few morons in a massive community and suddenly you are praised to generalize extremists to an entire group
And his financial management used to be better. get 8 times the requested money, still finish only half of it
GG was about ethics and against forcing gender politics in games, but a members of the professional victims unit changed its meaning in misoginy
funny: when a religious terrorist bombs a place, everyone agrees that we cannot extrapolate those individuals to the entire religion. This is naturally correct. Generalizing extremists is bad.
UNLESS its about gamers. A few morons in a massive community and suddenly you are praised to generalize extremists to an entire group
Post edited March 11, 2015 by dragonbeast

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015

While I think calling someone a landwhale is unnecessarily rude, it doesn't change the fact that someone morbidly obese needs to lose weight. Not treating it is like ignoring cancer - a very bad idea in general.
Obesity that borders to the pathological, that is a sickness, is a whole different cup of tea - just like the opposite - excessive skinniness. And it should of course be treated. But statements like
And anyone with working eyes can see that fat people are ugly as sin.
will drive some people who already have problems with themselves further down their road: - I'm depressed that I'm fat - I need chocolate.
- I fear I could be fat - anorexia ftw.