Posted March 10, 2015

Grumpy Beholder
Registered: Jun 2010
From France

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 10, 2015
viva la resolution
(720p max)
(720p max)

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted March 10, 2015

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 10, 2015
how sad is it that every exaggerated element from /v/the musical 1 & 2 is actually becoming real

Angel of Review
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015
low rated

I'm not trying to mock fat people or anything, some people really can't help it. I am mocking those who are convincing themselves that they are something they are not.
Also, seriously? You guys aren't content with GG's complete and total lack of credibility in the public consciousness that you have to add being dicks about peoples' weight to the multitude of things that this thread that GG would appear to frothing about to anyone who browsed this thread, a list which is so long and full of examples of each entry that posts about journalistic ethics are almost buried under everything else? And you wonder why people don't buy that GG is really concerned with ethics.
Post edited March 11, 2015 by Jonesy89

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015
Possible corruption at the International Games Developers Association. (IGDA)
Kate Edwards is Executive Director at IGDA. She is also is the founder & principal consultant at a consulting company called Geogrify LLC. The IGDA is a client of Georgrify.
Why is this a big deal? As executive director of IGDA Kate Edwards is supposed to run the IGDA for the benefit of the members of the IGDA. Using her position in the IGDA to hire her consulting company would be a breach of her responsibilities to the members. It has not been proven that Kate Edwards used IGDA for personal gain. A review of the minutes of the meeting when Georgrify was hired would need to be done. I'm assuming that any member of IGDA should be able to access those meeting minutes, but until that happens we won't know for sure. All I know is that on the surface this really stinks.
Sargon has a new video up.
tl:dr Now gamergate is being accused of killing video games because academics are having problems being taken seriously and getting funding to study video games.
This next item is slightly old news but IGDA Puerto Rico has shut down. The head of the IGDA Puerto Rico chapter was the one who was critisizing the twitter auto-blocker that blocked anyone who followed two or more gamergate spokespersons. This is the twitter auto-blocker that was promoted by the IGDA for a while.
Kate Edwards is Executive Director at IGDA. She is also is the founder & principal consultant at a consulting company called Geogrify LLC. The IGDA is a client of Georgrify.
Why is this a big deal? As executive director of IGDA Kate Edwards is supposed to run the IGDA for the benefit of the members of the IGDA. Using her position in the IGDA to hire her consulting company would be a breach of her responsibilities to the members. It has not been proven that Kate Edwards used IGDA for personal gain. A review of the minutes of the meeting when Georgrify was hired would need to be done. I'm assuming that any member of IGDA should be able to access those meeting minutes, but until that happens we won't know for sure. All I know is that on the surface this really stinks.
Sargon has a new video up.
tl:dr Now gamergate is being accused of killing video games because academics are having problems being taken seriously and getting funding to study video games.
This next item is slightly old news but IGDA Puerto Rico has shut down. The head of the IGDA Puerto Rico chapter was the one who was critisizing the twitter auto-blocker that blocked anyone who followed two or more gamergate spokespersons. This is the twitter auto-blocker that was promoted by the IGDA for a while.

Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
Posted March 11, 2015

Kate Edwards is Executive Director at IGDA. She is also is the founder & principal consultant at a consulting company called Geogrify LLC. The IGDA is a client of Georgrify.
Why is this a big deal? As executive director of IGDA Kate Edwards is supposed to run the IGDA for the benefit of the members of the IGDA. Using her position in the IGDA to hire her consulting company would be a breach of her responsibilities to the members. It has not been proven that Kate Edwards used IGDA for personal gain. A review of the minutes of the meeting when Georgrify was hired would need to be done. I'm assuming that any member of IGDA should be able to access those meeting minutes, but until that happens we won't know for sure. All I know is that on the surface this really stinks.
Sargon has a new video up.
tl:dr Now gamergate is being accused of killing video games because academics are having problems being taken seriously and getting funding to study video games.
This next item is slightly old news but IGDA Puerto Rico has shut down. The head of the IGDA Puerto Rico chapter was the one who was critisizing the twitter auto-blocker that blocked anyone who followed two or more gamergate spokespersons. This is the twitter auto-blocker that was promoted by the IGDA for a while.
At a glance - It claims it's a "one of a kind" company so that could be used as an excuse to cover basically hiring herself.
Her description has the usual double speak that these sheisters use "cultural dimensions of content risk" (careful what you say and to who?), she's a "known thought leader" (scarey - no doubt hunting down hought criminals!)
Something tells me IGDA is going/has already gone the way a lot of the games industry is going so she'll get away with murder if she isn't already.

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Canada

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015
Both IGDA "news" are quite old, I think I saw them a few months ago.
Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^
Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^
Post edited March 11, 2015 by catpower1980

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

The Fall video
ABC story

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^
Whoa the diaper changing area could almost be considered in the men's side? (IMHO that would rile some SJWs)

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 11, 2015

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^
At this point the crazy has been cranked up to 11 and we all need to take a deep breath and get a grasp on reality or it float away and disappear like a fart in the wind.

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 11, 2015
You are right, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And anyone with working eyes can see that fat people are ugly as sin. And there is a simple explanation for why that attitude is not just acceptable, but correct: being fat is unhealthy. Humans are conditioned through countless generations to see attraction in healthy people. Shaming someone for finding fat people not attractive is like shaming someone for not wanting to smear excrements over themselves. If you don't like that go complain to God, Darwin or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Of course I am not saying that fat people should be rounded up in fat ghettos or some stupid shit like that, that people seem to instantly imply. But sugar-coating harsh facts is more cruel than telling people the straight truth. If you tell them the straight truth it will hurt their feelings, but if they are strong they will overcome that and work to improve themselves. If you sugar-coat things and tell them that they are beautiful in their own very special way you are killing them. Literally, slowly over time. I don't know about you, but I prefer being a dick to having someone's blood on my hands.
And this is coming from a guy who would be a total mess if I didn't regularly "torture" myself at the gym. I got dealt shit genes in that regard, but I can keep working on it.
You mean the same "public consciousness" that's narrated by the very outlets that are being accused of corruption? The only way to get credibility from them is to roll up into a corner and die. No thanks, if honesty is bad, then I want to be the worst person possible.
Of course I am not saying that fat people should be rounded up in fat ghettos or some stupid shit like that, that people seem to instantly imply. But sugar-coating harsh facts is more cruel than telling people the straight truth. If you tell them the straight truth it will hurt their feelings, but if they are strong they will overcome that and work to improve themselves. If you sugar-coat things and tell them that they are beautiful in their own very special way you are killing them. Literally, slowly over time. I don't know about you, but I prefer being a dick to having someone's blood on my hands.
And this is coming from a guy who would be a total mess if I didn't regularly "torture" myself at the gym. I got dealt shit genes in that regard, but I can keep working on it.
You mean the same "public consciousness" that's narrated by the very outlets that are being accused of corruption? The only way to get credibility from them is to roll up into a corner and die. No thanks, if honesty is bad, then I want to be the worst person possible.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

Also, the "gg killing videogames" article is just a farce, no professional would take it seriously :o)
EDIT: OMG, got a picture of the famous "gender neutral" bathrooms, nothing like a good laugh in the morning. I particularly like that the two bathrooms are still separated. :o) Even one of the cafes where I usually go is more "progressive" because urinals, wc's and table to change diapers are crammed in the same room due to space constraints ^o^