dragonbeast: also i found this on a vid description of a tim schafer video
Tim Schafer makes a sock puppet joke at GDC and GamerGate spills all their salty spaghetti. Gators, don't waste your energy posting your inane babble in the comments. Instead, go find a gun and blow your worthless brains out and die knowing you are nothing but a joke to the game industry and the world is better off without you. (Yes, please do archive this description and then slither back to KiA, /gamergate/ and #GamerGate to share your findings. Your impotent outrage and offense fuels my fires and your salty tears flavor my food. :)
remember GG is the brutal haressing agressive hating side.
SALT: what #GGers call insults
SALT: What anti#GGers call food
LOGIC: What #GGers call important in a REAL discussion
LOGIC: What anti#GGers want to shit out and flush down after eating their truckload of salt.
The standing up or sitting down while peeing thing is genuinely dangerous. Says a Swish school already adopted it.; poor kids will endure the indoctrination. Really; people say teaching religion is dangerous; what about this. I can bet anything none of the word twisting fucks who came up with that or voluntarily follow that have never contributed a a thought to actually improving anything. This is a great example of what people do when they have nothing to live for; they try to give their life meaning by choosing a radical opinion and pushing it to the sheep who can't tell a terrorist from a tree and then accept it.