Posted March 07, 2015

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted March 08, 2015
Now everyone hates Tim Schafer:

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 08, 2015
i want a divorce timothy

smeg head
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 08, 2015

i want a divorce timothy

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 08, 2015
Schafer lost all credibility when he somehow managed to run out of money when he was given more than eight times the funding he asked for. On a f'ing point & click adventure. That's the sort of thing two people, a programer and an artist, could make with no budget in less than half a year.
He knows his reputation with gamers is down the drain, and now he's trying to suck up to the SJWs so maybe they will toss a coin or two at him. He sure is not getting any money from customers anymore, and I doubt any corporation would want to deal with him either.
He knows his reputation with gamers is down the drain, and now he's trying to suck up to the SJWs so maybe they will toss a coin or two at him. He sure is not getting any money from customers anymore, and I doubt any corporation would want to deal with him either.

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted March 08, 2015
low rated

i want a divorce timothy
I find it hilarious that guys like MundaneMatt said every gamer is offended by Tim Schafer's act when in realitiy some probably does not give a shit like me. And I bought Grim Fandango yesterday. Because I don't care what TIm Schafer thinks. I just want to play his game.
Like Mel Gibson. I don't care if personally he is an anti-semite or racist in general. I like his movie Braveheart and Apocalypto. And is sad that he won't be making movies anymore. He was the David Lean of the 21st century his 3 movies had this big epic scope.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Elmofongo

Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted March 08, 2015
also i found this article when well... I admit i was googling to see whether GabeN was in any way involved (and i'm hoping neutral).
(up to now, nothing has come up aside from gabe not bending over to sjw pressure surrounding hatred)
(up to now, nothing has come up aside from gabe not bending over to sjw pressure surrounding hatred)

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From Australia
Posted March 08, 2015

He knows his reputation with gamers is down the drain, and now he's trying to suck up to the SJWs so maybe they will toss a coin or two at him. He sure is not getting any money from customers anymore, and I doubt any corporation would want to deal with him either.
Not even remotely close on what it takes to take old source material and upgrade it all and keep the content as is and to try to get it all to work on multiple platforms. You are are vastly under estimating what it takes to make a game let alone take source material from the 90's.
I don't have anything bad to say about the guy? He made grim fandango and I like grim fandango? Did I miss something he has done?

Registered: Sep 2009
From Singapore
Posted March 08, 2015

(up to now, nothing has come up aside from gabe not bending over to sjw pressure surrounding hatred)

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted March 08, 2015

He knows his reputation with gamers is down the drain, and now he's trying to suck up to the SJWs so maybe they will toss a coin or two at him. He sure is not getting any money from customers anymore, and I doubt any corporation would want to deal with him either.

Not even remotely close on what it takes to take old source material and upgrade it all and keep the content as is and to try to get it all to work on multiple platforms. You are are vastly under estimating what it takes to make a game let alone take source material from the 90's.
I don't have anything bad to say about the guy? He made grim fandango and I like grim fandango? Did I miss something he has done?

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Germany
Posted March 08, 2015
I was talking about Broken Age, or Double Fine Adventure as it was called back then. Double Fine asked for 400,000$ and got more than eight times the amount. And yet they ran out of money and had to sell half the game to get income to complete it. That is some major incompetence.
Grid Fandango is a different case, they did not ask for any money beforehand, it's a finished product and people can judge what they pay for.
Which is really the way it should be. Just do your job properly and don't engage in either side. The whole reason why GamerGate started in the first place is because people were not doing their job properly.
Grid Fandango is a different case, they did not ask for any money beforehand, it's a finished product and people can judge what they pay for.
Which is really the way it should be. Just do your job properly and don't engage in either side. The whole reason why GamerGate started in the first place is because people were not doing their job properly.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by HiPhish

Registered: Sep 2009
From Singapore

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From Australia
Posted March 08, 2015

Not even remotely close on what it takes to take old source material and upgrade it all and keep the content as is and to try to get it all to work on multiple platforms. You are are vastly under estimating what it takes to make a game let alone take source material from the 90's.
I don't have anything bad to say about the guy? He made grim fandango and I like grim fandango? Did I miss something he has done?

There are people outright abusing it. 3 mill seems like a tiny budget in this day and age.

Grid Fandango is a different case, they did not ask for any money beforehand, it's a finished product and people can judge what they pay for.

Post edited March 08, 2015 by Neonshuffler

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States