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low rated
noncompliantgame: I'll just repeat here the farewell note from Elizabeth Fogarty one more time. Proof all they can do is destroy. This actually happened - unlike the still unproven claims of anti-gamers.
So how do you feel now, after purposefully cutting the extremely prominent part out of that quote that makes your whole argument obsolete?
Post edited February 01, 2015 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: So how do you feel now, after purposefully cutting the part out of that lizzy quote that made your whole argument obsolete?
low rated
Vainamoinen: So how do you feel now, after purposefully cutting the part out of that lizzy quote that made your whole argument obsolete?
Shadowstalker16: What?
Wasn't directed at you. Lizzy had made abundantly clear that she doesn't condone any kind of blame shifting towards either side for her dox.

What with the incident occurring on 8chan, all that would have been excellent fodder for "the other side", but they usually didn't sink as low. What I've seen was nothing but compassion - then again, I am usually spending time in more mature communities. The way the dox is routinely instrumentalized here is, of course, an abject shame.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Your boy, noncompliantgame, actually believes that all the large scale, widespread, sustained cases of harassment, doxxing, SWATing, and so forth as committed by Gamergate are completely made up. A massive hoax and conspiracy. I would assume that would also go for the guy a couple pages back who actually admitted that sort of activity is terrorism.

Like I said, Literally Wacko.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by TullyFernado
Elmofongo: So what is the latest news going on with #Gamergate?

Infact what ever happened to the figures who sort of started this like Zoe Quinn after the whole thing blown over?
Zoe Quinn got some kind of restraining order on Eron Gjoni recently, from what I read it was mostly on unproven grounds of conspiring to harass her and stalking her and so I'd say somewhat due to legal bias. Also I think she started some harassment victim support group or something like that.

Other than the above I don't know much about what's going on with Eron. I noticed some feminists try and support him as a survivor of emotional abuse, but others oppose that. Like Zoe the symbolism is preventing folks from looking beneath the surface at the individual.

Nathan Grayson has been laying low, and yet I read a piece where he actually exposed a bit of his vulnerabilities related to family. In the middle of that there was an honest impication that in this whole thing he messed up. But then, I'd say anyone with eyes already knew that, even if the stakes related to corruption were so low in this whole thing.
low rated
"Zoe started it and Gjoni is a victim." Amazing.
TullyFernado: "Zoe started it and Gjoni is a victim." Amazing.
You're so cute :)
Vainamoinen: So how do you feel now, after purposefully cutting the part out of that lizzy quote that made your whole argument obsolete?
Shadowstalker16: What?
They are trolls and agent prevocatuers. What they really want is to provoke someone into crossing the line and then they'll start screaming harrasment etc. Tired old tricks best ignored - well, most of the time - the ones on this thread are rank amatuers of the lowest order - if I felt so inclined I'm sure I could provoke [Vainamoinen] into going completely off it's rocker!. X-D However I'm a reasonable and civilized person and do not wish to emulate their behavior.
low rated
The Lizzy dox is as "proven" as absolutely any other dox that recently happened. That's the natural way, because the dox information thankfully eventually gets deleted from the net and what remains are terrified and angry people. I find it striking that I haven't found a single comment about Lizzy, wherever I went, going the "she made it up" or "brought it upon herself" route. I didn't even encounter the "that's bad BUT" argument.

Obviously for ncg, these are the usual counter-arguments that MAKE a doxx fictional. Hence, their absence is proof of the dox in itself and of the guilt somewhere on the feminist critic/social justice warrior/VG journalist/indie developer side.

noncompliantgame: However I'm a reasonable and civilized person and do not wish to emulate their behavior.
You are neither reasonable nor civilized, I'm afraid to say. If gamergate has a valid cause, you have done nothing but to cover it in excrement, quite beyond recognition.

TullyFernado: "Zoe started it and Gjoni is a victim." Amazing.
The conspiracy to harrass and the instrumentalization of gamergate to execute harrassment for him is chronicled here.

Frankly, they should have locked him up in the meantime. He has violated the restraining order already, numerous times.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by Vainamoinen
Here. Take a look at real feminism.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by viperfdl
Vainamoinen: The Lizzy dox is as "proven" as absolutely any other dox that recently happened. That's the natural way, because the dox information thankfully eventually gets deleted from the net and what remains are terrified and angry people. I find it striking that I haven't found a single comment about Lizzy, wherever I went, going the "she made it up" or "brought it upon herself" route. I didn't even encounter the "that's bad BUT" argument.
I find it more striking that you are prompt to point out that she said herself that you shouldn't make a whole group responsible for the actions of some individuals, and somehow forgot to point out that it's something that very few on the "other side" ever bother to do.
Vainamoinen: So how do you feel now, after purposefully cutting the part out of that lizzy quote that made your whole argument obsolete?
Shadowstalker16: What?
Vainamoinen is talking about this part:
BOTH sides: this was not the work of GG, or anti-GG, or KIA, or Ghazi, or 8chan, or Baph. Don’t blame groups, don’t guilt by association. This is the responsibility of whoever posted it, and no one else. My life and my family are not politics, nor are they chess pieces in a match. They are mine, and only mine, and I ask that both sides respect this.
low rated
Gersen: I find it more striking that you are prompt to point out that she said herself that you shouldn't make a whole group responsible for the actions of some individuals, and somehow forgot to point out that it's something that very few on the "other side" ever bother to do.
Gamergate – and leading up to it, the "gamer culture" of the last decades – bred these individuals in a culture of hate, nurturing them with 1950's societal values, extremist conspiracy theories (see most ncg posts) and particularly easy to swallow concepts of the enemy ("the social justice warrior"). That is what constitutes the responsibility of the group (I myself got through an equally angry gamer phase back in the mid-90s; and adding to that, I concede up front the game industry's responsibility for their participation in creating today's identity of the gamer).

It's a question of philosophy whether one would consider these individual people to still be bona fide gamergaters after hatching, going through their school of thought and eventually understanding the martial essence of that culture war better than others.
Shadowstalker16: What?
viperfdl: Vainamoinen is talking about this part:

BOTH sides: this was not the work of GG, or anti-GG, or KIA, or Ghazi, or 8chan, or Baph. Don’t blame groups, don’t guilt by association. This is the responsibility of whoever posted it, and no one else. My life and my family are not politics, nor are they chess pieces in a match. They are mine, and only mine, and I ask that both sides respect this.
It doesn't change the fact that this person is a gamer and was a high profile supporter of #gamergate and they were essentially assaulted by a mob that keeps screaming fake threats and harrasment whilst having absolutely no proof and having their propaganda broadcast by msm - eg: the recent abc rubbish about [unproven] threats to Sarkessian - unbelievable!. The only varifiable examples of attacks on people have been the ones against gamers such as the above mentioned Ms Fogarty, also Milo Yiannopoulos (who handled the whole thing extremely well) and quite a few others whose names escape me right now.

Now yes, the anti-gamer mob have been critized on twitter etc but this usually just leads to the critics getting their accounts suspended - again proving that 1.the anti-gamer neofems are corporate pets and 2.said corporate pets are constitutionally incapable of differentiating between criticism and abuse.

Their behaviour exposes them for what they are and in time the truth will out and their little party will be over. Until then keep speaking truth to power!
Post edited February 01, 2015 by noncompliantgame
As much as it displeases me, I'm going to have to side with Vainamoinen on this one. Anti-gger should get the same benefit of the doubt that GGers get. If you can't prove they orchestrated the dox, they can't be fairly blamed for it.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by jefequeso