Posted January 09, 2015
low rated

For saying this is a "general" problem I guess she would have to look at more games than the probably 0.36 %. Furthermore, she would have to only identify those patterns in the first step on the grounds of the perceived action alone, then there would have to be a quantification of some sort with a look at more games and if those patterns exist also. Allegations, probable implications of the existence of such patterns, blaming developers and patriarchy have no place in a categorization.
If it exists or not, if it is justified or not - the money flows on one side if you get people angry enough to side with you and on the other side it flows aswell for the opposition, when you can emerge as a voice. She herself said it is a business for her.
It's a detail critique to exemplify one person's interpretation of a larger body of a work of art. I'm very familiar with this kind of method, because that's exactly what you do 24/7 in university when you're getting a degree in literature. It really must be understood as the necessary approach here.
As to the example games Sarkeesian picks, there's absolutely no denying that they are culturally VERY central to the so called 'core gamer' group (the reaction would not be quite as easily explained in any other case ;) ). In comparison, what use would it be to assess tens of thousands of entries on Mobygames, many of which are either completely unknown to the general public, devoid of storytelling (hence devoid of misogyny or "ideology"), or literally scorned by core gamers anyway ('mobile and facebook crap')? Seriously, not a damn thing.
Everyone is free to criticize the structural coherence and inherent logic of the interpretation as delivered by Sarkeesian. I'm hardly always completely content with the argumentation. However, I doubt that much sensible critique can be attributed to her choice of examples. She's taking from the core, from the traditional legendary, from the high profile contemporary. The relevance of those example games could hardly be any greater.
The cultural impact of any work of art can never, never ever be sensibly quantified in absolute numbers (especially not sales numbers). But I do hope we agree that Sarkeesian seldom picks games without significant cultural impact.
As to the business side of things, Sarkeesian is much in the same professional role as a video game journalist. I've no problem with either job.
Post edited January 09, 2015 by Vainamoinen