Ok, I feel this deserves in depth reply. I debated with myself to PM or post publically, I think I'm justified in seeing some community value in leaving this in the open. Please don't take it too personally mate.
I see two topics: Your ethics, and ethics in journalism. The definition of bad, the reasons you are antiGG: that's about your ethics. Journalism's mission, censorship of free exchange of ideas: that's ethics in journalism.
You Let me try to make this as impersonal and objective as possible. The obvious disclaimer being: no offense intended.
Let's start by owning up. After rereading this thread, it's clear you did not bring misogyny into the discussion at all. Fair enough. Per your own admission, the GG harassment you see, and oppose, is directed at journalists (of irrelevant gender for the purpose of this argument).
This does ressonate with other arguments we had, so I'm more than happy to walk back on that rethoric. Sorry for the mischaracterization. It's a perfect example of my belief both sides apply guilt by association.
I see that leaves two questions to consider, in evaluating your ethics:
A) Are you conflating the bad part of gamergate, with the whole of gamergate? Bad here being the harassment of journalists. This is the guilt by association thing.
B) Are you 'shifting the goalposts' in defining bad in such a way that you minimize responsibility for applying guilt by association?
I believe the answer is yes to both, and that would indicate
you are not acting ethically in these particulars. For whatever reason which is irrelevant. In fact I'm super happy to say flat out:
your intentions are ethically pure.
On A) I will not quote extensively. As I've alluded earlier, the number of people that "jumped on you" for the comparison of ISIS to GG is clear. You have (in different words) expressed later that the comparison was not intended to "poison the well", rather to describe similar group dynamics in open membership groups. At a minimum I'd say the following: Even believing you did not consciously want to poison the well, in actuality, that's what you did, by implication as a minimum. To inject a somewhat personal element here, I would probably feel more inclined to believe your statement of intent fully (I do to some extent) if it wasn't for ...
Topic B) where your evasions border on the malicious (I do attribute a lot of it to your sleep deprivation - what time was it you went to sleep mate?). The two meanings of bad came up in post #985. Let me quote from the context up to that point.
This here was all on
guilt by association... obviously we're talking about being guilty of being unskillful at something, rather than morally guilty. :) That's why you discuss skill at decapitation right?
Brasas: ...the correlation that it must be GG doing all those
bad things we dislike. ...
Is this the first actual mention of bad? Whatever... bombing, abortion and dehumanizing techniques. Clearly nothing to do with morals...
htown1980: ... that if you choose to be part of a group, and that group does
bad things, even if you are against those things, you open yourself up to criticism of supporting those
bad things.
Now, arguments can be had about whether #gg has done anything
bad at all, but that is a separate issue.
... If you are part of an organisation that does
good things and bad things, if notwithstanding people in that organisation continue to do
bad things, you stay in that organisation, you take ownership of those
bad things (as well as the
good). If you want to be against the
bad things, you leave and start up a new organisation that only does
good things.
As a firm believer in objectivity, I left for context the quote where you explicitly deny intending to poison the well with guilt by association, per point A) higher. Of course
"that is a separate issue".
I could leave the quoting here to be honest, but let's go all the way. Scientifically, exhaustively.
TwilightBard: ... people will look at me like I'm
poison. ... I'm the
Devil to people because I have 'privilege', this magical [bSin that I had at birth because of my ancestors. Fuck, at least Christianity forgives Original
TwilightBard: I found literally the
worst example of human beings I could find.
htown1980: ... a hypothetical group had
good and bad elements and #gg. ...
All I am trying to say is that if you are part of a group that does
good and bad, you should take ownership of both the
good and the bad, ...
TwilightBard: Ok, this is the last time I'm repeating myself, so yeah. You keep saying
bad bad bad with gamergate ...
htown1980: Can you point me to where in the last 24 hours of posts I have said #gg is
You poisoned the well. So what that you didn't actually stab the person? Still homicide (character assassination). Regardless of planning or intention (manslaughter? murder? premeditated?). Whatever, sorry, that's point A) let me move on... I love my smartass analogies too much...
SeduceMePlz: ...
despicable behaviors ...
Why don't you reread this now (particularly my post #981 to you), and contemplate how your shifting the goalpoasts (about the meaning of bad) in reply #985 is being "perceived" subjectively by me, in light of the above objective facts and context.
There was still a couple more short posts though.
htown1980: ...
good person. ...
Here we have Nazism, good person, bad parts of GG... and then we get to #985
Bottom line. Humans find it so easy to conflate, either action or inaction, with morality that we often do it without conscious awareness. I think that's mostly what happened with you. But well, this is to show why I at least am insisting on calling you out on it. It's loaded language, and that's
bad "journalism". You are one of the most reasonbale anti-GG around here, so to inject a personal element, it was somewhat disapointing to see. :(
Journalism I'll give this a break, and go run some chores. This stuff takes time...
Edited for typos, formatting, readability.