You seem to have a worldview where sincere belief justifies a lot. You "genuinely hold that belief" someone else is evil, therefore you are justified to ... what exactly? You tell me, cos my opinions of you are actually irrelevant. You tell me...
On bad, you're missing my point, considering you seem to not understand the ethical concerns I made, I guess it's not so surprising. I'll try to adjust. I mean you saying worth (as a human being?) is somehow connected to skill, but not to morality is just.. tragically amusing I guess.
On immoral vs amoral. You tell me. Ok? Check the end, I am really curious on this...
On bullshiting. If you believe I'm not lying, that I 'genuinely hold such beliefs', seems by your own admission that counts for something. So yes, I care about you believing I'm being sincere, insofar as I am engaging with you, not some inanimate object. People nowadays, so afraid to admit they care, so afraid of rejection... of course I care about you caring or not, why should I pretend?
Yes, prevention of speech can be ethically suspect. And in the Zoe thing I think the privacy concerns were bullshit. In several other topics there was no consideration of privacy, because the journalists couldn't care less about privacy of people they disagree with. As for the excuse that it's censorship of hate speech. Bullshit.
Now on forums. The forums are media, and lots of them were forums of journalistic publications. You'd assume they have a mission of informing the public... (Ethics! ;) ). It's not the private property angle that is unethical, it's the double standard on treatment of discussion around person A vs person B.
My opinion is that any opinion that another human SHOULD be demonized is ethically wrong. That includes Hitler, whom I will be happy to hypocritically demonize whenever I feel like. At least I won't act holier than thou... if this is too nuanced I truly will lose hope on the human race. I don't think it's unethical to kill Hitler in retaliation, I don't even think demonizing him is always wrong as it may be a necessary evil to win against him, it's still tragic (war usually is) and going so far to say he should be demonized is taking it too far. How's the saying? Even Hitler was loved by someone.
If you are not sure (and you hardly can be sure) of someone's intent, accusing them of misogyny, even if they just offended each and every woman in the world is wrong. Like Larry Summers some years back, remember that? Again, is that too nuanced? The usual dodge, which you at least are not taking is how the word misogyny is not meant as a moral indictment, of intent or individual guilt, rather some amorphous collective responsibility. Which is usually bullshit, the word is used clearly and obviously as weapon to shut down opposing views and demonize. How did it go in Alinsky's Rules? Personalize, paralize, etc... SJW for the win. Ethics! The ends justify the means... it's only neckbeards anyway, who gives a damn. Right?
Now, how about some quid pro quo mate?
You do believe all GGers are at some level responsible for the actions of harassers. Why?
You don't believe all Christians are responsible for WBC, or all gamers for GG. What is the difference?
Inquiring minds would like to know. GOG citizens of the world journalism, straight from the source ;)