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Caesar.: The Doctor and other holographic lifeforms' rights activists would disagree.
I always disliked that stupid doctor, was a silly gimmick imo to make him a member of the main cast. I want stories about flesh-and-blood human beings, or at least aliens, not about some stupid computer programme. He should have been permanently switched off and deleted at the end of Voyager.
xSinghx: I never went further than the first season of GoT for good reason - it's a fantasy soap opera centering around groups jockying for power (quite boring).
drealmer7: I didn't even make it to the end of season 1 it was so bad. I forced myself through 8 episodes and couldn't bear any more of the awfulness.
Then you're missing how much world building was going on behind the scenes. That's what Star Trek was fairly good at, but could do so much better. Build. Better. Worlds. Build a better universe. Admittedly GOT has gone off the mark in its last few seasons but the first few, like BSG, are quite awesome in how they build a rich fantasy/sci-fi world.
itchy01ca01: No. Sex happens for the vast majority of us on a daily basis.
xSinghx: So does sleeping and eating - it doesn't mean it makes for a compelling narrative.

In all your comments what seems to be missing is an understanding or maybe more accurately an appreciation for the philosophical aspects of trek. Could a mature rated trek have an episode that examines ideas about sex? Sure. Does that require week to week use of the subject? No. Given how much trash there is on a day to day basis that revolves around specticle and the sensational I could see myself losing interest rather quickly in the type of trek you're suggesting.

I never went further than the first season of GoT for good reason - it's a fantasy soap opera centering around groups jockying for power (quite boring).

Ultimately trek viewers (I think) expect better.
I don't think nudity and sexuality week to week is a great thing either but you can have philosophy and eye-popping visuals at the same time. Take your pick of sci-fi shows/movies. Firefly, BSG, B5, Farscape etc. all had great, arc-heavy/visual heavy stories that hold together, at least in my opinion.

Sure, you will find weak episodes, even entire weak SEASONS of shows and weak parts of movies, but Trek sure had some weak fucking episodes/seasons.
Post edited September 06, 2017 by itchy01ca01
drealmer7: I didn't even make it to the end of season 1 it was so bad. I forced myself through 8 episodes and couldn't bear any more of the awfulness.
itchy01ca01: Then you're missing how much world building was going on behind the scenes. That's what Star Trek was fairly good at, but could do so much better. Build. Better. Worlds. Build a better universe. Admittedly GOT has gone off the mark in its last few seasons but the first few, like BSG, are quite awesome in how they build a rich fantasy/sci-fi world.
nope, you just have no exposure to things that actually do this well if you think Voyager, GoT, or BSG are good examples of anywhere close to decent world building
itchy01ca01: Then you're missing how much world building was going on behind the scenes. That's what Star Trek was fairly good at, but could do so much better. Build. Better. Worlds. Build a better universe. Admittedly GOT has gone off the mark in its last few seasons but the first few, like BSG, are quite awesome in how they build a rich fantasy/sci-fi world.
drealmer7: nope, you just have no exposure to things that actually do this well if you think Voyager, GoT, or BSG are good examples of anywhere close to decent world building
Voyager isn't. I do have exposure. Name a tv show that deals with Sci-fi/Fantasy and i have probably watched it, and judged it.

Thing is, I appreciate a variety of different shows.
And again, this is really all your opinion vs. my opinion. No one is RIGHT, which is what a lot of you are trying to push.
drealmer7: nope, you just have no exposure to things that actually do this well if you think Voyager, GoT, or BSG are good examples of anywhere close to decent world building
itchy01ca01: Voyager isn't. I do have exposure. Name a tv show that deals with Sci-fi/Fantasy and i have probably watched it, and judged it.

Thing is, I appreciate a variety of different shows.
And again, this is really all your opinion vs. my opinion. No one is RIGHT, which is what a lot of you are trying to push.
nah, it's like you trying to say that McDonald's is good and it's just a matter of taste when the truth is it's utter crap and just because you're not aware of that doesn't make it not true (:
itchy01ca01: Voyager isn't. I do have exposure. Name a tv show that deals with Sci-fi/Fantasy and i have probably watched it, and judged it.

Thing is, I appreciate a variety of different shows.
And again, this is really all your opinion vs. my opinion. No one is RIGHT, which is what a lot of you are trying to push.
drealmer7: nah, it's like you trying to say that McDonald's is good and it's just a matter of taste when the truth is it's utter crap and just because you're not aware of that doesn't make it not true (:
But mcdicks IS good. At certain times. I love their breakfast. Not much else though.
No seriously, it's an opinion. Just because you think the writing is bad.. well.. you're not a writer, are you ;)
drealmer7: nah, it's like you trying to say that McDonald's is good and it's just a matter of taste when the truth is it's utter crap and just because you're not aware of that doesn't make it not true (:
itchy01ca01: But mcdicks IS good. At certain times. I love their breakfast. Not much else though.
No seriously, it's an opinion. Just because you think the writing is bad.. well.. you're not a writer, are you ;)
no, seriously, mcdonald's isn't even food, it's absollute trash, point proven!!!

yes, I'm a writer
itchy01ca01: But mcdicks IS good. At certain times. I love their breakfast. Not much else though.
No seriously, it's an opinion. Just because you think the writing is bad.. well.. you're not a writer, are you ;)
drealmer7: no, seriously, mcdonald's isn't even food, it's absollute trash, point proven!!!

yes, I'm a writer
Not a very good one ;)
Are you also looking for your "big break"?
Yea... no wonder you sound so pretentious. Your insecurities are starting to show bud ;)
Post edited September 07, 2017 by itchy01ca01
drealmer7: no, seriously, mcdonald's isn't even food, it's absollute trash, point proven!!!

yes, I'm a writer
itchy01ca01: Not a very good one ;)
Are you also looking for your "big break"?
Yea... no wonder you sound so pretentious. Your insecurities are starting to show bud ;)
no, that's your shit-food addled brain not knowing forwards from backwards

you can actually find some of my writing on the forums if you're curious, search for the Oakwood Village mafia game
Well, I guess that's it then.
xSinghx: For once it's the rest of the world that's lucky when it comes to this show since it's being carried by Netflix everywhere except the US. After GoT this might end up being the most pirated show due to CBS sticking it on its online service which no one would normally want.
I have a feeling this is going to flop, at-least in terms of the US. I'll check out the first episode since they are showing the first episde through traditional cable, but I for sure won't subscribe to CBS All Access for one show. I don't even have Netflix due to having a data cap which is used up enough downloading games.

If it's not moved to regular cable within 2 seasons or Netflix or cancelled out right I will be surprised. Star Trek fans tend to be older and don't think that will translate well to streaming. Star Trek makes more sense on traditional tv where it's always been.

If I do end up watching it, I'll for sure find a stream online somebody is hosting..
Post edited September 07, 2017 by user deleted
BKGaming: Star Trek makes more sense on traditional tv where it's always been.
This is my fear as well. I really want Discovery to succeed so it can be the beginning of a new era of Star Trek shows (and eventually showing what happens after Nemesis), but if it flops it could send the franchise back to development hell.
Discovery title theme (sort of)

Is it just me, or (except for those few "classic" Trek notes at the start and at the end), does it sound a lot like Game of Thrones?
Post edited September 12, 2017 by Breja
Breja: ...
That sounds nothing like Star Trek. To me, other than the beginning and ending, it sound like the most generic crap imaginable. I just listened to it twice, and for the life of me I can't remember it. The second time, I was paying particular attention to it, to see if I could hum it afterwards. And after the ending I can't remember anything. What a disappointment. At least Enterprise took a chance with their theme, I didn't like it but in hindsight I can respect their courage, but here they literally made a shit sandwich. It's grating at how utterly disjointed it feels.

That's how I judge all music. If it's humable, then it might be a good song. The second step is that I listen to the song on loop for several hours, and if sometime later, I still find it enjoyable to listen to then it is a good song. If I find myself humming the song days later, then there is something especially masterful about it.

I always find these kinds of extras infuriating, when people fake enthusiasm talking about how extraordinary good their product is, when in reality it's generic or downright bad.
Post edited September 13, 2017 by MadalinStroe