Posted August 29, 2017

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted August 29, 2017

I didn't like what I saw from Discovery so far and I think I'm just going to ignore it and wait until they do an actual sequel instead of all that prequel nonsense.
And there are plenty of challenges out there. Janeway alone made half a quadrant worth of enemies during her travels! Some of them might track her to her origin and find a way to come to Earth to tell them what they think of this 'emissary'. ;-)
Post edited August 29, 2017 by Lifthrasil

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted August 29, 2017

I didn't like what I saw from Discovery so far and I think I'm just going to ignore it and wait until they do an actual sequel instead of all that prequel nonsense.
Dialling back the technological progression means that you're forced to narratively rely on the human factor to drive the plot forward instead of finding some computer-based deus ex machina to resolve a plot point. In a sense, that's what made First Contact the best of the TNG movies.
Post edited August 29, 2017 by _ChaosFox_

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted August 29, 2017
Really, that has nothing to do with when the action is set. It's just a matter of writing. Just before TOS or after Nemesis, in both cases the technology is quite advanced enough to suffice for the problem you describe to exist (not that I ever really noticed that as a major and/or common problem in any Trek).

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted August 29, 2017

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted August 29, 2017

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted August 29, 2017

Culture Industry
Registered: Oct 2014
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From China, People's Republic of
Posted September 04, 2017

So no day 1 binge-watching and then cancelling the service after one month. Wouldn't be surprised if CBSAA took old episodes offline a few days after initial release to prevent this. :-P

Culture Industry
Registered: Oct 2014
From United States
Posted September 04, 2017

So no day 1 binge-watching and then cancelling the service after one month. Wouldn't be surprised if CBSAA took old episodes offline a few days after initial release to prevent this. :-P
Post edited September 04, 2017 by xSinghx

Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted September 05, 2017
I don't mind the FIRST Reboot. NOT the other two though. ST:ID was.... way too mehish and ST:B was even worse. Wow, more saving the ENTIRE universe against the bad people. They need WAY less action, WAY more darkness (How was Into Darkness even.. dark?) and WAY more Trekiness (EXPLORATION, NOT PURE ACTION).
BenKii: Star Trek Discovery gets a TV-MA rating.
I personally don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand it's nice the writers don't have any restrictions for their storytelling but on the other hand I would've liked it to have been rated a bit lower so that a younger audience could experience a Star Trek TV show. As long as the rating doesn't approach GoT levels and keeps it a mild TV-MA rating (Marvel's Netflix shows for example) then it might be a good fit for the show. We'll see how it turns out come late September . Nope. If they want a massive audience, it needs to go GOT nudity/sex. SEX HAPPENS. You can't just.. hide sex or nudity like they used to in the older treks. I watch the older treks and cringe at how fearful they are of any sort of nudity/violence.

I personally don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand it's nice the writers don't have any restrictions for their storytelling but on the other hand I would've liked it to have been rated a bit lower so that a younger audience could experience a Star Trek TV show. As long as the rating doesn't approach GoT levels and keeps it a mild TV-MA rating (Marvel's Netflix shows for example) then it might be a good fit for the show. We'll see how it turns out come late September .
Post edited September 05, 2017 by itchy01ca01

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted September 05, 2017
How does that even...
If you want porn, go watch porn. If you want nudity and violence, then what you want is defiantely not Star Trek.
If you want porn, go watch porn. If you want nudity and violence, then what you want is defiantely not Star Trek.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted September 06, 2017

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted September 06, 2017

If you want porn, go watch porn. If you want nudity and violence, then what you want is defiantely not Star Trek.