morolf: Star Trek's "diversity" is of the most superficial kind imaginable...basically everybody is some kind of liberal American. Just silly.
You know? I can't think you're wrong, pal. In a ""bipolar world"" it was ok to adhere -or better yet, adress- to such racial and geographical issues, much like that infamous Voyager Golden Record and all but nowadays this is just... silly. It isn't like that in the Olympics, man, so why would it be like that on the Enterprise?! :P
Jokes aside, it's all much like some sorta weird propaganda on "hey, check how diverse we are". Your argument? Spot on.
anothername: Its the back-door explanation for why humanity works so well together for an utopian society in the trekverse. They got bombed nearly to extinction in WW3 so they decided to get rid of the major motivators (greed, religion) to became the good guys they have become by the time Trek plays in.
Oh thanks.
Scary as it might look but that's a feasible scenario (WWIII, "west vs someone*") (who isn't India or China ;P) for me. I won't get political in here and all, rest assured.
*much like some prophets state
morolf: and even TNG doesn't hold up that well when watched today imo
You're right. I feel the same.