krugos2: if it has to end on round 3 on a Battle Royale, I'm sure it will also be very entertaining.
As an alternative to consider, maybe fighters could be paired on teams, two against two from round 3 onwards, that would halve the length of the tournament without ending everything in a Battle Royale. The dice roll would be for the team instead of individual fighters.
Great work updating the website!
About the rest of the tournament, it is entirely up to Doc. If things keep going in the same way, the entirety of the remaining fights would be just 31, less than round 2
exorio: For those who missed brigador giveaway, dunno how this gift code end up in my order history
Genocide2099: You can send it to finkleroy for The Community Giveaway.
This. matterbandit: Three-headed Malicia was tired of drinking milk. And judging from that grandfather clock not too far from where she was sitting in the tavern, New Year's was mere hours away and the pub will be jumping with maddening joy soon enough, she imagined. Malicia directed her attention to the barman.
Malicia Head #1: "One pint of your home-brewed ale, please!"
Malicia Head #3: "Make that two pints of ale for me, mate!"
Malicia Middle Head: "A pina colada for me!"
As the barman prepared her drinks, Malicia glanced at the crowd of fellow combatants around her. "Awesome adversaries, the lot of you!" she spoke to the tavern herd. "May 2021 bless us with more bloody fighting!"
Note: I'll be unavailable between now and midnight, due to work and keeping my mom company. Just wanted to wish Doc and everyone here health & happiness for the soon-to-be-upon-us New Year! See ya soon!!]
A Night in the Opera, by the Marx brothers, comes to mind: Groucho says: "Waiter, two beers". Then Chico says "I'll have two beers, too". Just, this time it would be three! :-)