Posted February 13, 2011
So... we have ftheads about games nad threads anbt other stuff rtandom and what not SO! why nto have a thrad about being intoxicateed :)
or at least a thread to post in while you are wastd...
So yeah weekend ntuipdate im thinkin ill go bak ro Iraq or maube afghan :) life makes tsenese there and this sity is chikkin me............
whats up with youa ll :) )Remeber be rink to post here heh and if ther thread dies im be drunk another nitgh adn necro it! lol1
or at least a thread to post in while you are wastd...
So yeah weekend ntuipdate im thinkin ill go bak ro Iraq or maube afghan :) life makes tsenese there and this sity is chikkin me............
whats up with youa ll :) )Remeber be rink to post here heh and if ther thread dies im be drunk another nitgh adn necro it! lol1