monoloomer: Laphroaig is indeed a fine malt. Guess who has an all-you-can-drink ticket to a single malt whisky tasting day next weekend? Me. And yes, I'm drunk. But I'm Scottish, so it's...
strixo: Sorry my Scottish brother, I drank the Laphroaig as a service to a friend and the bottle. Since those weeks I've migrated to
California Zinfandels and
French pastis. Delicious, delicious pastis, plus a chair on the balcony to interpret clouds.
As a serice to a friend and the bottle? I sincerely hope you mean that you drank a spirit you were not in favour of as a mark of friendship and respect, rather than to mark the passing of a friend?
On a lighter note, I must admit I'd never heard of Pastis. If it shares any DNA with Greek Ouzo, I must pass. Aniseed sweeties? Yummy. Aniseed spirits? No thanks. Saying that, I hope to be proven wrong.