DProject: Thanks for your honest opinion. I think the shakiness must be me trying to pull off vibrato, something I have no idea of how to properly do. Or, trying to reach the correct note and stay there, I don't know. I'm really new to this melodic singing and by all means don't consider myself as a vocalist. But it's something I'd like to learn. Oh, and my mic? The one I got with Guitar Hero World Tour pack. Yeah, nothing spectacular. Beats my previous mic though, which I got when I got my first computer in 1997. It looked more like a straw than a microphone. :P
Floydinizer: Well I think the shakiness came when you went quite high at around 0:32, there was no problem hitting the notes and staying there before that. Maybe that would be a good place to start, trying to sing a bit higher. I have a friend who always, without exception, no matter how deep the original vocals are, ALWAYS sings an octave below. It doesn't sound horrible, but it seems like a trick, like it's easier to sing lower.
Do you like Alice in Chains? It feels like your voice could work well with that music. And also, not related to Alice in Chains, but your english is very good, you sound like a native english speaker.
Anyway, I'm guessing you did this because you get that urge to sing, when you hear music you like, and that's always good, even if people would say that you can't sing for s**t, sing if it makes you happy :)
And since you made me post in the drunk thread while being sober, I feel obligated to get a beer now :p
I get your point. I find it's much easier for me to sing an octave lower than I should, too. My range is nothing to write home about, so if there's just one note in the song that I find hard to reach, then it's no-no all the way for me and I find myself just singing the whole thing lower than I oughta. But, I guess I just got to train more and hope that I can expand my range eventually. Although I guess my unhealthy habits don't help there...:P
I do know Alice In Chains, it's not like it's my favorite band or something I listen to regularly, but they do have a couple of songs that I really do like. Although I reckon their songs are quite hard to sing though, even harder than that early, or semi-early Patton I did. I think I got to check this out, nevertheless.
And about my english, I guess I just picked it up in the songs, like I did with the notes. I really can't speak it fluently, trust me, but here it helped because I could try and memorize the words/pronunciation and thus mimic the whole vocal track to the best of my abilities :) But thanks anyway. And yes, I do like to sing, I often do when I'm at home and feeling happier than usual. Really lifts up the current mood even more :)