Tarm: Fuck I'm broke this month. My car keeps breaking down. Bag in box wine it is to drown my sorrows. Cheap and filling.
superstande: don't have driver's license, I'm close to 40. no idea about things breaking down, but happy that for your box, as long as you're out of your vehicle.
mine's captain morgan and german beer poured into a wooden pint bought from some random visiting polish dude here for the middle ages festival *hiccup*
A new paycheck and a new car bill, old workhorse is getting close to retirement after only eight years, commute to work does that and mileage can be rough so I've ordered a new car. Things only worth having for like seven years nowadays because repairs are fucking expensive if you don't know a repair man.
Anyway it's early this month so I ain't broke yet and can afford beer. So cheers mate!