akwater: Friday night, I drank over a 5th of rum alone...
Yeah, I know someone who drinks about that much alcohol in a day, nearly every day...I keep thinking that can't be good for them, but, there is little I feel I can do about that...I understand the need to unwind, to get plastered sometimes, but there comes a time when the booze is hurting one much more than helping...If you know what I mean...Speaking of which I think it is time for me to have a shot or two now, get the blood flowing again. =)
Let me see, there is vodka, there is rum, there is tequila in the sun, there is brandy, but it is nearly done! ;) There are too many choices! hmmmm, I think tonight is a tequila night, friends.ahhhh 100% de agave, yes, yes ;D