Emob78: I certainly wouldn't want to operate heavy machinery... like a frigate or man-o-war.
Crackpot.756: I'm actually always kind of glad I don't have access to any heavy machinery (or firearms) when drunk. Guess the rest of the world should be as well - or at least people who live close to me.
On an unrelated note, I recently found out that AA has online meetings. How progressive is that!
Not that I condone it, but from my own experiences booze and guns aren't that big of a deal. Booze and automobiles are a totally different story. I don't know what the stats are, but I would pin my money on drinking and driving accidents and deaths far outweighing all of the 'have whiskey and gun, will travel' types.
Anyone drunk and acting foolish with a gun is going to find himself quickly disarmed, one way or another. A drunk behind the wheel can somehow convince totally sober people that he's capable of operating a vehicle. One would think that would be a deal breaker, but there's a great many sober people who are killed from being driven around by drunks. I'm not sure the same could be said for gun enthusiasts.