Posted August 05, 2011

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2011
It feels like peeing on an electric fence, if lightning strikes the fence while you're peeing. However, somehow I was able to collect my whits while inside the cruiser (though my hair is still smoldering). I always carry a sliver of cable wire up my wrist (something I learned after seeing Die Hard 3), so I painfully shimmied that out and unhooked my handcuffs. Then, after arriving at the station, I leaped out of the car after the door was unlocked. Running at full speed, I just barely managed to get away from the officer. (He was in surprisingly good shape for someone who wears, next to his badge number, a patch in the shape of a donut). After through some alleys and across some darkened streets, I came across a nightclub (Club Le Dush) with a long line of people waiting to get in. Some chick with fake white hair and a peacock blouse (surprisingly sexy) was tapping on her Blackberry. I felt such a strong need to provide an update to my pals on GoG that I snatch it as I flew past. I'm now typing this as a couple of white-knight guys are running after me, so it looks like I'll have to lose some /more/ people.

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2011

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2011

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2011

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted August 06, 2011
K, kicking back with some Smithwick's, need a good Netflix instant watch or something, about the intelligence and fun level of Drive Angry (which was awesome, btw). Any recommendations?

Registered: Mar 2010
From Faroe Islands
Posted August 07, 2011
Beatiful GOG-friends, first time posting drunk here, even though i've been browsing the forums a couple of times drunk, and even posted a couple of times drunk( buy I don't want to refer to those post, unless you want to see them for laughs), but tomorrow I will be gifting games away, not without reason, but you will have to wait and see, ( some of you might be able to guess why, if you have extremely good memory for unimporant things)
Happy times,
Happy times,

Insert liquor
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted August 07, 2011
Now I read the this "official" drunk thread.
This seems quite sobertalk to me.
If you have read my posts when I've been drinking.
That's some good drunk talk. =) Almost embarassing and beautifull in an ugly way.
Edit: I have few beer cans which have been open couple of days.. Now I just mixed a bit of new beer (which still has carbonic acid in it).. Too little still. Because it still tastes horrible.
Drunk yet? Not my intention to be.. But I reserve the right to be. =)
This seems quite sobertalk to me.
If you have read my posts when I've been drinking.
That's some good drunk talk. =) Almost embarassing and beautifull in an ugly way.
Edit: I have few beer cans which have been open couple of days.. Now I just mixed a bit of new beer (which still has carbonic acid in it).. Too little still. Because it still tastes horrible.
Drunk yet? Not my intention to be.. But I reserve the right to be. =)
Post edited August 07, 2011 by Antimateria

Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted August 10, 2011
Quite tipsy tonight...It's too bad GOG doesn't have a sale right now because I'd probably buy whatever they offered...or maybe that's a good thing...

The iron-y
Registered: Nov 2008
From Slovenia
Posted August 12, 2011
Because of nonspecific reasons, I'm well on my way to being drunk (specifically fift beer in).
While the sensation is of standard origin, I'm having great difficulty re-editing my poist for grammar failuires while silmultaniously giving a damn. I'm now wery much not giving a damn.
While the sensation is of standard origin, I'm having great difficulty re-editing my poist for grammar failuires while silmultaniously giving a damn. I'm now wery much not giving a damn.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted August 13, 2011
For the time being whilst I can't read posts properly and misinterpret people's gender I've relegated myself to this thread. Any drunkards should join me.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted August 13, 2011
*Dum dee Dum*

Registered: Mar 2010
From Faroe Islands
Posted August 13, 2011
Today is Ovastevna, in celebration of a guy who rowed between Faroe Islands and Denmark alone in a small boat, and so I raise my glass to you gents, because the drinking starts NOW! Cheers!