Posted January 30, 2015

Fell asleep twice and didn't finish my last beer. But at least I.. well the music and company was good.
Drank organic beer from cans. That was nice. And still have some.
any of you have any faith in this theory, that Ice Cream can cure a hang-over?
The Cornetto Trilogy got me thinking (Shaun of the dead and the others).
I have some faith currently :)
As to the ice cream... no, never heard that. I've heard sleep, drinking lots of water, lots of water and aspirin and of course the all-carb and fat breakfast cure. Personally I prefer the loud rock music and smashing your head through a heavy ply wood beam method. Eventually your hangover induced headache becomes to overwhelming that you vomit up your shoe laces and pass out. Your unconscious state thus renders you impervious to further pain and discomfort.