Exoanthrope: OK guys, I'm a little bit a lot of drunk, so hopefully this makes sense:
Why is that when you are drunk, you burp a lot? I've tried Googling it, but the usual answer I find is, "Beer is carbonated, so when you drink a lot of it, you burp a lot, just like soda."
That's great, except I usually drink straight liquor, which is obviously non carbonated, and I still burp a lot. This only happens when I get really tipsy, so I think it might be linked to resisting the urge to vomit, but what do you think?
In other news, I might be an alcoholic.
Sloppy drinking. All kinds of restraints your body have gets put out of order when you're intoxicated. Reflexes you don't even think about having because they're, well reflexes. So you swallow like a water drain. Gets lots of air into your stomach. It's not for nothing that drunks choke from time to time. Their swallowing "reflex" isn't working any more.
On that note. One expensive red wine bottle down and now I'm working on a good old Macleod's whisky bottle. If on summer vacation put money on the important things. :)