Posted June 25, 2014

If you want to drink copious amounts and balance it out as best you can, it isn't that difficult(depending upon your genetics - blue-eyed people have been shown to have generally the highest tolerance for processing alcohol, and those with no history of alcohol have very little tolerance):
1/ Eat a decent meal before drinking
2/ Rehydrate whilst drinking. I.e. a glass of water or two during a drinking session goes a long way
3/ Kickstart your liver after you've finished drinking and before you sleep by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of water
4/ Vitamins B & C before drinking, before bed and on hand in the morning. A bit of magnesium and zinc can help too. If you want to go the non-supplement route, a banana and an apple or freshly squeezed juice can really help. Just be wary of the sugars adding to the hangover effect. Sugars will exacerbate a hangover when mixed with alcohol.
5/ Caffeine will potentiate the effects of alcohol and vice versa.