Emob78: Any summer brews on your list? Or are you just that hard and have to hit dark lager when it's 108 outside?
LOL oddly enough this weekend I'm probably going to go pick up a dark lager or five... aged in a bourbon barrel to boot!
But for a more "summer" flair I've been enjoying Firestone's Pivo Pils and Smuttynose's Vunderbar Pils. And because you brought up Sam Adams - I just worked my way through the Lat 48 Deconstructed pack - there are far better IPAs out there, but it was VERY fun to try a couple or three of them over the course of an evening and get a sense for what the individual hops were doing. I'd suggest grabbing one and doing the same!
pimpmonkey2382: There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize paul's apartment overlooks the park...and is obviously more expensive than mine.
Crewdroog: I can't quote it, but the card scene is the best. "that's bone"
Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark!
The card scenes are my favorite in the whole movie.