dtgreene: Found the list from a Twitter post, and my one complaint is the complete lack of JRPG representation. JRPGs are CRPGs too! I note that many early JRPGs are integral to the history of CRPGs (in particular, the original Dragon Quest is interesting from a historical perspective, particularly how different it is from the rest of the series), and the best JRPGs are, without question, better than the worst WRPGs (and likely better than the worst WRPGs on the list).
Does the full book cover JRPGs (at least the most notable ones), or is the author one of those who doesn't think JRPGs are real RPGs? (Remember, the term WRPG exists if you want to specifically refer to that type of game.)
Also, does anyone have a link to a list of all the games covered in the book?
(Some other notable JRPGs; Final Fantasy (who originally copied its magic system from Wizardry), SaGa series (a series that does things differently, starting with influence from a non-D&D TRPG, and later evolving into something that straddles the line between JRPG and WRPG), and Undertale (if it counts, it is a rather unique game that has heavy JRPG influence, but does its own thing in many respects).
(I'm just annoyed at the many WRPG elitests out there, who think that WRPGs are the only true CRPGs; sure, WRPGs are great (at least the good ones; I am pretty sure that garbage WRPGs exist, but that can be said of any genre, including JRPGs), but they're not the only style out there.
(There's also issues with the RPGCodex forum not being a nice place, but that's another story, and hopefully not one that affects the content or quality of the book itself.)
You can read the full book for yourself, it's linked to in the OP. I think the reason for the lack of JRPGs is that they tend to be published for consoles, and not for PCs (which is were I believe they drew the line). They have a short section dedicated to JRPGs towards the end, but it's very brief. There are also a few JRPGs in the main review section, but I suspect that they had a PC release in connection to their console release (I'm not talking about getting released to Steam many years later). I am too lazy to verify this, however.