LynXsh: Wizardry 8 is higher than 7.
Diablos and Icewind Dales are higher than NieR:Automata.
Ultima 4 is at the rock bottom.
to say nothing abt Fallout being higher than Planescape: Torment...
a great top. yeah.
It does say "it's got something to piss off everybody" :)
And there was voting, so that's what the tally was I guess.
Now let's see...
From the top 70, finished 13, played 7 others (not counting one that I just started and then put away for a time when I'll have a better computer, another that I gave up on after mere minutes and a demo of another that I started and also gave up on quickly) (and of the 7, only consider 3 as actually abandoned, hoping to return to at least 2 someday, uncertain of the other 2), own 14 more (but 2 were freebies that I have no interest in and 2 more I doubt I'll play), and have 5 more wishlisted.
From the hidden gems, finished 1, 1 more wishlisted.
Incidentally, one of the freebies that I have no interest in is that #1, Fallout. Tried to play 2, couldn't stand it, eventually gave up, definitely had no interest in its earlier iteration that also adds a timer to the main quest from what I understood.
Interesting to see Arx Fatalis in the top instead of the gems. Rather odd to see Divine Divinity in the gems instead of the top.
PS: Shouldn't this have been its own topic though?