GamezRanker: Well if nothing else, hopefully we'll see more herd immunity as a result.
dtgreene: The real source of herd immunity, and the only one that's considered ethical, is vaccines.
Only ethical? Requirement of vaccines would be unethical, because it's the state violating an individual's right to self-ownership. I'm behind vaccination, but to imply herd immunity by natural selection is unethical is, in itself, unethical. As said with all other diseases, if a vaccine works, those who choose not to get it (as opposed to it being unavailable) have chosen their fate, while those who have the vaccine gain their immunity and are not affected by those who have not.
Those whom are unable due to allergies are a whole other topic, and, indeed, new technology must be made to support them. Hopefully the success of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine will get them going.
Strange that someone would feel the need to write this. American highschools are among the worst of the first world countries, but even i learned (before graduating in 2009) about DNA, RNA, and mRNA, cell lyceage (due to virus), etc. Specifically, when i was a sophmore.
What disappointed me, however, was why the teacher was unable to explain what caused DNA to "split" for the mRNA to "fit into place" as well as how the ribosomes made proteins from the mRNA. Fortunately, shortly before the 'Rona hit the US, i was able to look this up (i knew i was going to have to explain to people why initial viral load was deadly, as well as why this disease is deadlier than influenza, because i knew from experience most medical professionals are pretty unsanitary and i'd have to explain to them why watching what you touch after washing your hands should actually be taken seriously).
kohlrak: She's also able to eat normally again (save for her celiac's disease) and can smell things somewhat.
GamezRanker: That's the gluten intolerance/allergy, right?
The two are different. I'm not very sure on gluten intolerance, but i imagine it's similar to lactose intolerance: your body cannot metabolise it, so it tries to flush it as fast as possible. Meanwhile, with celiac's disease, it causes an immuno-response. It's a straight up allergy, but due to how it works, it usually doesn't cause anaphylaxis. Instead it results in your immune system attacking your stomach tissue, followed by the gluten intolerance symptoms. Not only is the damage permanent, but a curious side effect of the "flushing" (and it's from both ends so it's pretty violent) is that it causes certain individuals to pass out. As you can imagine, this can be pretty dangerous depending on what is in the bathroom around the toilet that happens to be available.
kohlrak: It was looking pretty hairy, there, but she's recovering surprisingly well. She's been able to play stardew valley, at least, and she started finding cat videos again, so she's mostly returning to normal, finally.
This is also good to hear.....btw I have some cutesy cat videos, which I may send ya later if you want em.
Sure. I have a good channel, called ひのき猫. It's in japanese, but you don't have to reallly understand what they're saying. The titles can sometimes be important to figure out what's going on, though. Some of it gets lost in translation, unfortunately. Fortunately, for those who don't speak japanese, "mettya kawaii [very cute]" is not a challenge to understand and learn from context.