TonyMarqulis: I've read my previous post again and noticed it looked like I was being aggressive - which was unintended.
Not to worry. Sometimes such mistakes in reading text can happen.
TonyMarqulis: I agree completely, and this is exactly what I meant: young people not taking necessary precautions (face masks, distancing from other people, not meeting in large groups etc.), the effect of which is the "curve" isn't being flattened as much as it could be which translates directly into more deaths, mainly among elderly, when hospitals get overburdened.
I only talk about young people because they (we?) are the ones with lowest risk of severe complications, at the same time having the highest chances of getting a ventilator if sh*t hits the fan.
I completely agree with the need of some form of quarantine for elderly and vulnerable, once we start loosening the restrictions. Unfortunately I have no idea how this could/would work.
As to the first part-Agreed, the young people should try to distance more & practice other measures, but that might not be needed as much of them if we somehow quarantined the elderly and vulnerable.
As to the second part-I think that we should give ventilators to whoever needs one, but due to the shortages I talked about before, we cannot do that. Still, many of the ones who need them are elderly so it is probably more likely they will get one(due to them getting sick more due to corona).
As to the last part-I have been thinking of this. As other users said, we could possibly put them up in the empty hotels around the countries(and have the countries or people pay the hotels, naturally), or set up makeshift places for them to stay, or even let them stay in separate areas of homes(if a family has a big enough house or spare rooms to do so).
TonyMarqulis: Some God-Damn Self-Discipline is what we are in dire need of in these difficult time and age.
That is needed in any age I think.
Also another thing we also need, I think, is self sacrifice.
By that I mean that if some people(even elderly) want to chance their health and lives(through things like going outside and even non-essential places, albeit while wearing masks and gloves and also social distancing) they should be able to do so.
TonyMarqulis: Not going on a walk, to a park etc unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary for our mental health. Shopping only for necessities in bulk - not going to shop to buy soda and chips for a movie (and I saw more than my share of people doing EXACTLY that).
Having some COMMON SENSE and thinking about others once in a while could go a long ways too.
To the first part-I think all of those things should also be allowed after a decent lockdown period, albeit with social distancing and other measures.
And also what is wrong(if you are inferring such) with going to a park for the hell of it as long as you distance and wear a mask? Most parks are empty so it shouldn't be a high risk or even a moderate risk, and walking outside in the day time is a good way to get some vitamins and exercise as well.
To the second part-We should all think of others, but not just the elderly and those treating the disease. I think we should think of all those others being asked(or forced) to do such things(lockdowns), and be mindful of their needs and well being as well.